Very clean and well dressed male looking for dogging action in the North East this Saturday afernoon and night. Very well behaved willing to just watch or join in. Been dogging around the world for years now. Hey its a hobby now.
I'll check on here tomorrow night to see if I'm a lucky chappy. If not then all you folks have fun out there and remember have an excuse in case your stopped by the law with your trousers down.
Thanks Harry I was aware of the local police interest.
I've been to Hardwick Hall a few times and to be honest I'm not keen on the place. Too many folk do that place after dark and I've never seen a couple do anything more than just sit there and look out of their window. Guess I'm getting too impatient in my old age.
Found another place in the NE and it seems to be a good dogging spot. met a couple of half decent folk there.
Have fun Harry.