Following on from the brilliant night we had last year and the year before, we have decided to do the Dogging BBQ again. The BBQ will be on Saturday 18th August and will be somewhere in the North West (not the same place we used last year or the year before, but please dont disclose thoses places if you came along, as we just might use there at some point in the future)
We were thinking of meeting around 7pm and taking a barbeque and a few drinkies (pop for the drivers).

As the place is a dogging site, if people wanted to carry on after dark, they could then go off and do their own things either with others who had come for the social or with the general dogging public who would also be in the same area.
We are not intending feeding everyone who wants to come but thought we could all take our own stuff along i.e. food and drinkand if anyone has some portable BBQ equipment, please bring them along. We could just all get to know each other in a more relaxed environment and have a really good laugh (if the last 2 are anything to go by).
We would have to make sure we did not draw too much attention to ourselves by getting up to naughties while Joe-Public was still around and we would all have to be prepared for the British weather and it being a bit of a disaster at the last minute! And be prepared to bring insect repellent and brollies!
We were only intending to give the details of the venue out to people we know to be genuine or those who can be vouched for as being genuine. So if you would like to come along, either post something on here or send a pm.