Hi guys
Myself and my new dogging friend (a 20 yr old female, 5' 5", 36GG, size 14, amazingly naughty eyes and an appetite that will become legendary) need some safe spots for some outdoor fun around Northants and Buckhamshire (MK in particular).
I used to be a regular visitor to 3 or 4 sites in Northants, but that was 3 years ago and reading up some of those are no longer viable.
If anyone has some places to go and would like a show, with a small chance of some participation, please PM me rough details of the spots you use and have found to be safe & discreet.
Thanks in advance
J & S
I'm sure if you come over to north oxon we could find a place together, particularly if it's a sunny day.
Well it is pi**ing down with rain at the moment!!
There are plenty of places in and around MK. PM me if you want the details.
Will be up in MK tomorrow evening if you fancy meeting up with late 30s straight guy - quite fit / w/e and easy going. V genuine
But was it raining?? :giggle:
it was hammering it down but i seem to remember he went home happy
I am regularly in and around northants so drop me a line - I would love to meet up and contribute!! Andy.
Going back to childhood: Puddles are for splashing in.
Well I must send out thanks to all those that mailed with locations and offers of help. Thanks to you all (you know who you are!!).
I've checked out one or two sites this morning and they seem fine, so I'll check the rest when I'm nearby.
Keep the suggestions coming though, as Saskia is getting keener and keener by the day (she's still quite new to this).
Cheers guys & girls.
PS - Sarah - you seem obsessed with the weather, are you a meteorologist??!! hehe
Well, I have re-read the thread and unfortunately I cannot force myself to contradict a lady.
Dogging in MK is still there, but is now "undercover" (not a bad thing with all this rain) and not screamed from the roof (PC) tops.
If you do succeed in having "fun", please do not broadcast it to the masses. Let them find their own fun !
I seem to remember that she did get rather wet. Doesn't look like an umberella will be needed today though.
No, it seems that the other website is not responding to the request. Soz !