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Forum Virgin
i think a general clue of location might help your cause here! As well as a few details of what you are looking for!
Forum Virgin
it says message us for details...u not read?
Quote by midscpl2
it says message us for details...u not read?

no need to get funny with me, all im going to point out is if you can't be bothered to state the obv, what makes you think anyone sane going to bother spending time sending an email!
Quote by midscpl2
it says message us for details...u not read?

Calm down, you were being given some good advice there from Chatotic Spirit. You will get a much better response if you gave an indication of which part of the country you were dogging!
There was totally no need for your agressive response to a bit of helpfull advice, might be worth you reading the AUP rolleyes
Forum Virgin
thks 4 the advise. but we get plenty of replys without putting down an exact location,our add gives our area,if to ask to message us for details offends then please dont message..simple
Pull your necks in and stop the attitude, people are only trying to help!
And now as I advised earlier, read the AUP -
Acceptable Use Policy
Non Acceptable Behaviour.
Your account shall be terminated immediately and we may report you to the relevant authority if your behaviour on our website consists of any of the following
Anything illegal and contrary to the laws of England and Wales, including (but not limited to!) the promotion, suggestion or allusion to , or any non consensual acts, drugs (including the misuse of prescribed medicines or the mention of Viagra) or any kind of illegal activity.
Any comments which are hateful, or racist
Abusive or aggressive behaviour towards fellow members, Ops/Mods or Administration staff
Forum Virgin
we have read the aup,but cant see how not taking someones advise good or bad or telling them to read our add is classed as obusive...think chaotic is the right word here..
Personally i think you have to get off your high horse once in a while.
Good luck with whatever you choose to do!
Forum Virgin
think ur right monkey..someones knickers are in a twist..
Quote by midscpl2
we have read the aup,but cant see how not taking someones advise good or bad or telling them to read our add is classed as obusive...think chaotic is the right word here..

By not taking someones advice you are not breaking the acceptable use policy, however, your attitude to people is getting very close to breaking it by having a go at people for having the ordacity to reply to one of your post!
Locked at your request rolleyes