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can someone mail me where to have fun dogging nere oxford redface
Can I ask what research you have done? There is after all a list of dogging locations on this site which lists some in Oxfordshire. There are also numerous groups around on and MSN that list many locations local to Oxford.
I myself have spent much time over the last 15 years visiting car parks, sitting around for hours and I can count the number of tiumes I got lucky on my fingers.
If you do lots of research and spend lots of time out looking it is so much more rewarding when you get lucky.
Alternatively post on here, get no replies and say "Waste of time that dogging, doesn't happen". Personally I would prefer it if all the wannabee doggers gave up as soon as they start. Would leave us hardened old timers some opportunities.
Quote by warthog2306
I myself have spent much time over the last 15 years visiting car parks, sitting around for hours and I can count the number of tiumes I got lucky on my fingers

we'll not be taking warty's advice then, will we lads? lol only kidding..hog's penned a good piece there..but those stats have to be exageratted in order to press the point, don't they? :shock: :lol: :lol:
true about the results being more rewarding for having put the graft in..we've held to that theory for some time wink
really, i admire that cutting stuff that you have done, and jomu consistantly does so gets you respect..when i pen stuff like "the swingers should leave the carparks to the doggers" people just message me, saying things like "fuck off fatty" :cry: :lol: :lol:
I am not exaggerating that much. I have been dogging for 15 years, I don't get out nowadays as much as I used too as I don't work away quite so much. I used to be a regular contributor to Thrustmeisters Doggers guide. In those 15 years I have probably only goy lucky every 6 months, sometomes less than that. So I can count the really memorable ones on the fingers of one hand, the memorable ones on the fingers of both hands and the rest on my toes.
One of the most memorable was out your way in sunny Norfolk though. Great place that big bottom near Thetford.
all good things happen at the big arsed arena deep in the forest warty wink often i'll browse through the forum, scrolling down through the endless list of "dogging dead" threads from across the uk..then i get looking at the stuff we get to see down in the woods and wonder, maybe we really are the last remaining dogging outpost :shock: trouble is, we don't travel out beyond the county boundery much, so we haven't much in the way of a yardstick lol
Looks like I'll have to find a reason to come to Norfolk again then DirrtyDoggers :-)
you'll be very welcome warty wink lol you sound like one of the "old school" fellas to me :lol: it would be a pleasure to show for you sir :wink:
Warty you want to get out again mate it's kicking big style out there now. Plenty of action although there are a good number of newbies who don't look up any guidelines. we could do with a few more of us old style respectful doggers out there.
Was out early evening tonite along the M40, saw one couple but there were 4 blokes following them between the two car parks so I gave up and went home, shame as she was definitely up for it, but not with all of them.
Will be trying to get out again this week and may even be able to get the missus out, but I think she has given up as last two outings involve dthe police and the boy racers.
so much happening on the doggingfront then this warm weather must have made a difference
Cracking weekend of action again. Many thanks to the couple in the mondeo on the bucks border,great show, you're one lucky man to have such a beautiful lady, and to the couple in the small people carrier thanks very much. See you out there warty
ah, its always good to read north's posts, always up tempo and keeping it real for us wink as the proper dogging fellas all know, the action is out there for those sufficiently motivated to look..i'll have to query the validity of the mondeo couple observation though north..not wishing to cast aspersions on your honesty here, but they were down at OUR site at the weekend :wink: could have been a different mondeo couple i guess redface sorry, i've not been too sharp of late :cry: i wonder what the most common dogging wagon is though? can't imagine many couples dogging in a motor like "the master's" :shock: we nearly wrecked the fucking thing trying to get a shag in that on saturday night lol ended up on the picnic table instead.
Hey dirty that could be a whole new thread. What's the most popular dogging wagon? Actually you could probably save yourself the bother and just ask the police they spend as much time as anyone in the car parks at night!