hi homany cpls call at penllagear iv only see 1 cpl there and if they move its like watching rats run up a drian pipe with all the men rushing to watch
hope to see more cpls there soon bye 4 now
it was between 1 and 2 o,clock didnt see the point of getting out of the car might have got killed by the mad rush
it closes at 5
so where would you go for nite fun
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hope they do read this topic but can some of them read
they have spoilt a good area by beening idiots
as you say play with the prey first thats the big enjoyment dont go killing it
stright away
would love you to be my prey but i understand the way you feel about
penllagear at the moment
is there any point getting there earlier or later
hope you get to enjoy some fun soon
bye 4 now