thats why if you read the rules on don't mention any locations other than in a PM with another !!!
not just police...can get all sorts of other nuisances !!!
Quote by darkstranger
The problem is that a lot of drug deallers use dogging spots and along with the drug deallers come there addicts and to finance there habits they mug innocent people who happen to be there. Most police are after these people and not out to hassle doggers however you will always get one cocky officer on a power trip.
Quote by kinkyluton
i have found a great dogging place to go saturday,,got alot of and blokes going...its in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dunstable....look forward to seeing you all
I've taken out the street name cos it sounds too exact, If it is a street 3 miles long I don't suppose it is exact, but if it is only a couple of yards long it will be VERY exact. As I don't know, I'm removing it anyway. People should PM if they want the exact location and directions anyway