sorry, cant help you there, im not too far from Thetford, and am often in the area, but im waiting til the weather gets warmer, the theory being that more people will be around
Pololady - As Uncle Dirty says, the site you can see from the main drag is only the tip of the iceberg - if you stray of the beaten track there are quite a few secluded spots that are fairly well visited (even in the current weather!) - although some of the rustlings in the undergrowth have proved to be no more than herds of deer :shock: I'm sure DD will put you on the right track (he did me and I haven't looked back- cheers mate)
I do believe that you can "update" a garmin with the best outdoor sex locations now.
Isn't technology a wonderful thing, not.
Certainly quieter this time of year but there's still fun a plenty to be had.
Some of my best dogging experiences have been had in the winter months and there's the added bonus that you don't have to wait long for it to get dark and the fun to start.
On a related point... a certain Norwich site has been reasonably busy recently too... things are looking up.