Hey guys
Rob and I (Jayne) went dogging again last week and had a great time (eventually after sorting out the boy racers from the doggers!). Dogging etiquette is a wonderful but distinctly vague thing and we wondered if any 'watchers' would be able to help us with a question.
Obviously, we love to be watched by guys who are wanking and we'd love to see the guys cum. For some reason this has never happened when we've been dogging. Maybe the guys in Suffolk are shy, or maybe they are waiting to be invited to join in, or maybe there's another option we haven't thought of. Should we make it clear whether or not we intend to invite guys in? We don't open the windows or doors and we don't engage in conversation as it's mostly spur of the moment and we haven't made contact previously.
Any comments would be appreciated!
Rob and Jayne
I dont want to sound too obvious.. but Persoanally.. I think it's because once you've done your thing and drove off, the watchers are still left there.. Some of them hoping that another couple will turn up and do it all over again, and maybe invite them to join in, It would be very embassessing if that happened and the watcher couldn't get it up because he'd just spent his load down the side of your car.
Just my thoughts
i agree your gonna have to indicate a bit what ya want, i would never just flop it out without an invitation, so a little jesture, not to subtle though remember we are blokes!!!
I must say that I do get my old boy out and beat him up but I also agree that you tend to hold fire on cumming just in case you get lucky later on.
I tend to stroke him and then stop before cumming.....the nice thing is when I do cum later there is nearly always about 50% more cum!!!! So its a positive thing, in a way!!!
thanks for your replies guys. 'Dirtydoggers' you had us lol with your colourful descriptions!
We get a lot of guys wanking happily away, it's the cumming in particular that we'd like. We end up whispering to ourselves about whether or not we're gonna finish off, or whether we should wait, whether the guys are having a good time, etc, in frankly a faintly ridiculous manner!
I guess we just wondered if there was a signal, flashing of lights, indicators, brake lights and god knows what else,that was used to tell the guys that the show is coming to an end .
It is sometimes awkward letting the person know what you want as quite often people are affraid of saying/doing something that will offend or spoil the situation.
Bear in mind the bloke will probably be more nervous of this than you are, which is why he hasn't cum over your windows yet lol!
Maybe saying "cum with us" during your moaning and groaning may help.
Definately don't think its a suffolk thing, its just a dogging thing!
chris x
All the sites(locations) i used last year seem to be bare!, It's very slow out here in east suffolk, need some of you guys to venture out a bit!
Just out of interest.... so far since the first of june i have seen no couples since the 1st of june, at any, and only 3 fellow watchers/wankers at the 3 locations that were buzzing last year....shame really!
Take care all
Yes! We love the fish and chips at Dunwich too! Not done any dogging there thought. Perhaps you can PM us with any sites you know... and if you're out and about maybe we can hook up if you fancy it?
Rob and Jayne xxx
Hi guys, rob & jayne PM me with the site locations and i will start to visit on my way though at the weekends. I am always ready to depost a load for a loverly lady as dirtydoggers would testify i'm sure.
regards DPM.
HI I'm Steve and i personnally would like to know if the cpl want participation. I don't normally go to wank, i go to participate but if the cpl in question wanted to see me cum they should let us guys know!
dirtydoggers: you are absolutely and unequivocally right with regard to the joys of dunwich beach. The only thing that could enhance the experience would be maybe watching a couple shagging whilst eating said lemon sole. Alan: easy question; vinegar, then sea salt then lovely pepper corns. Add a dollop of mayonnaise and hurrah, life is good. Thanks for your post Steve, it seems that the answer is to communicate what we want. It actually takes a bit of courage to do that when it's dark outside, they can see us clearly with the interior light on but we can't really see them too well and we've no idea who the guys are. I think we're gonna try a bit more forward planning with guys from this site. With complete strangers there is always the danger of some pillocks behaving like pubescent wankers.
thanks again for the comments.
Jayne & Rob
Rob & Jayne.
If you want forward planning then i'm your man. Can only make Friday and Sunday evenings thou. Allways ready to watch a show and rub the old stiffy to completion for you. PM me if you are interested.
regards DPM