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Rude, inconsiderate dogger - Wirral

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I am so incensed about the behaviour of a dogger last night at a site in east Wirral that I am posting about my experience to warn others of this guy.
I was parked in a car park next to a couple and after a while they moved off to another part of the site but flashed me as they drove out. I gave it five minutes and then followed them up to a remote part which only has room for two cars. I was still unsure whether they wanted me, but they flashed the interior light, so I parked alongside and he opened the passenger door where they were having sex.
Just then, another car came up the track so I jumped back in my car and they shut the door. Now it is custom and practice as a dogger that when you see two cars together in such a tight space there is obviously something going on, so you back away. And that is what this guy did. Great, we're on again I thought.
But then another car came up the track and a guy jumped out, strode over to the car, unzipped his pants and started pleasuring himself having had no invitation at all. I wound down my window and said something like: "This is a private session, mate". Being such an ignoramous, he assumed I was talking about the other car that had just left and replied: "I know, you get some real idiots here." I then said: "Actually I was talking about you. We were having a session and you've just barged in." He claimed he'd arranged to meet this couple, but there was no sign of this having happened as the doors and windows of the car remained firmly shut and they didn't acknowledge him. After a couple of minutes he had the cheek to ask: "Well aren't you going to get out?" I jumped out to have a look at what was happening but was so annoyed I couldn't even get a hard on. After a couple of minutes the couple decided they'd had enough and drove off.
If this is the site I think you are talking about then there are a lot of guys like that. Same everywhere really! Probably why people don't go out as much anymore.
The behaviours of some ruin it for everyone. Same in clubs too. Shame hey but such is life"
Quote by Stevie J
Now it is custom and practice as a dogger that when you see two cars together in such a tight space there is obviously something going on, so you back away.

Is it? do you? Sorry to hear you didn't get your rocks off but for me Dogging Etiquette no longer exists, if indeed it ever has, it's always been fraught with tension and the unknown. Standard manners possibly but all this interior light on/off, headlight flashing, carpark hopping, cigarette lighting/window wound down, who knows what it all means? there is no 'standard' and whilst there may be 'regulars' of some dogging spots who perhaps help 'doggers' when out on parade in how to conduct themselves I would think that most 'rules' go out of the window when a couple get it on and it becomes every dogger for himself.
Without the Couple saying anything to either confirm or deny the 'spoiler' and with them shutting up shop and moving on I'm afraid you'll never know.
I've had fun (many moons ago now) dogging with my man but it was usually hit n miss as to if we had fun or not and more often than not we found ourselves carpark hopping to try and avoid some doggers cos they were just too pushy or a little untidy with the end result being we'd find ourselves outta time and trapping home.
Although not dogging in the strictest sense of the word why not try and hook up with a couple that dog in your area (possibly via this forum) and see if you cant confirm a meet somewhere quiet one evening where you can have fun without worry of being disturbed?.
Quote by Toots
Now it is custom and practice as a dogger that when you see two cars together in such a tight space there is obviously something going on, so you back away.

Is it? do you? Sorry to hear you didn't get your rocks off but for me Dogging Etiquette no longer exists, if indeed it ever has, it's always been fraught with tension and the unknown. Standard manners possibly but all this interior light on/off, headlight flashing, carpark hopping, cigarette lighting/window wound down, who knows what it all means? there is no 'standard' and whilst there may be 'regulars' of some dogging spots who perhaps help 'doggers' when out on parade in how to conduct themselves I would think that most 'rules' go out of the window when a couple get it on and it becomes every dogger for himself.
Without the Couple saying anything to either confirm or deny the 'spoiler' and with them shutting up shop and moving on I'm afraid you'll never know.
I've had fun (many moons ago now) dogging with my man but it was usually hit n miss as to if we had fun or not and more often than not we found ourselves carpark hopping to try and avoid some doggers cos they were just too pushy or a little untidy with the end result being we'd find ourselves outta time and trapping home.
Although not dogging in the strictest sense of the word why not try and hook up with a couple that dog in your area (possibly via this forum) and see if you cant confirm a meet somewhere quiet one evening where you can have fun without worry of being disturbed?.
Thanks for the advice. I have been doing this for the last decade, so I would like to think I have worked out some of the etiquette around it. Particularly when it is not an exposed spot but a confined area. I know it is hit and miss, and that - to be honest - is mainly the fun and unknown of it. But most of the guys I have come across would never dream of barging in the way this man did. And those that do get short shrift if they keep it up - particularly at this site. I have no problem with these things when it is a row of cars and it is every man for himself, but the fact is I was on a one-to-one with the couple and this guy ruined it. So please accept my apologies if I appear a little p1ssed off - but in my 10 years of dogging this is the most blatant rudeness I have come across! I have arranged a couple of private meets - and been messed about and let down quite a bit, so I have found more success just tipping up at a car park and taking my chances to be honest.
Wondered if you would have drove off if the shoe was on the other foot and you had happened to stumble on two cars..
Yes, it more than likely means something is going on but there are many scenarios that you could be walking into..
- A couple having an affair
- Dogging meet where the couple are happy for others and have moved from the busy area
- A private meet
Yes, its annoying as it has happened to me many times but as for etiquette, is there any other than simply being respectful to others?
See a dogger with a couple, do you leave to head over in the 'hope' of fun?
Just have to be prepared to leave quietly if the couple ask..
The number of times I have been told, 'this is a pre-arranged meeting', 'they only want one guy', 'I was here first' by guys hoping that this would allow all the fun to himself and I will ask the couple if it is thier preference to be left, where 9 times out of 10, they say its fine to stay and turns out the guy had made it up.
What happened was bad luck and although many things he did was questionable in terms of respect.. Dogging is outdoor fun, there are others out looking for the same and if a couple don't want disturbing, then they could have got a room or arranged fun at home..
Yes, the guy should have shown more respect and I would be posting every week if I was to comment on every time I see this or similar when out..
Nothing is set in stone and best to go out and hope next time you will not get disturbed and put this down to the one that got away!!
Have fun
Quote by NWFunMale
Wondered if you would have drove off if the shoe was on the other foot and you had happened to stumble on two cars..
Yes, it more than likely means something is going on but there are many scenarios that you could be walking into..
- A couple having an affair
- Dogging meet where the couple are happy for others and have moved from the busy area
- A private meet

Two points...
1: I have driven off many a time when I have come across what is obviously a private meet, and in this spot in particular. You just accept that someone has either got there before you, they have already picked off a guy or that it is a pre-arranged meet. Maybe I am the exception rather than the rule?
2: If you read my post again it should be entirely obvious why they weren't having an affair, happy for others to watch or be having a private meet. I was with them in the previous location, they flashed me to follow them and as soon as I turned up in the new location they flashed the interior light and opened the door. As soon as this other guy tipped up they shut and locked the door and left shortly afterwards.
I do find it rather disturbing that anyone is willing to be an apologist for this type of behaviour, and also question both what happened and my own behaviour as a dogger! We need to all unite in condemning this type of behaviour if we are to stand any chance of tackling the worst offenders.
After many, many posts you read and on other sites about behaviour, you would have a better chance of seeing Argentina drop thier claim on the Falklands before you change the way people behave..
I was not questioning your behaviour, I was suggesting that walking into a scenario where two cars are parked could go one of two ways depending on the reason for them being there..
- A couple are happy to allow a second guy to be present
- You will be told it is private (by the couple)
- or you have stumbled on a couple having an affair
Telling a new arrival that a meet is private is one of the oldest tricks in the book, especially after I have been stood next to a car for 10 minutes and a guy walks over and says, "these two only want one!" to which I usually answer, "well, if you leave, then there will be only one again" ffs..
Pretending to take a call on the phone speaking loudly being overheard where the imaginary friend claims that two couples have just arrived at another location and you will be heading there in 10 mins.. Watch the dust in the car park!!
There are no hard fast rules, his behaviour was overly pushy and probably ruined what would have been a good time for the pair of you if he had backed off and waited for an invite or his turn..
I see bad, arrogant, pushy and damn right offensive behaviour and things dont change, however many posts appear here and other places.
Usually saying something ends up in being told they are new and had no idea or get told to F*** OFF or worse in being tailgated and followed, there are some desperate nut cases out there!!
The number of times I hear guys in groups claiming they are the perfect doggers, commenting on others behaviour in that they dont shine lights, they dont park too close, they never follow a couple, they dont get pushy then as soon as they are on thier own the night after, they are everything they claim not to be.
I have had a few good chances screwed up by similar and accept you win some, you loose some and out weighed by the number of times I have dropped lucky where no others turns up or have turned up too late as the couple are driving away and its all over..
Keep ya pecker up!!
Amazingly, this guy tipped up again as I was with a couple last night. I'd spent some time chatting to them at another site, but then two police cars turned up so we ended up driving off somewhere else. He pulled over when he clocked us but as he walked over to us he spotted a police car driving past so kept walking, but to be fair he shouted a warning, so I zipped up and went back to my car. But had the police not turned up no doubt he would have barged in again claiming it was a prearranged meet! I am beginning to think I am jinxed - I have not seen police at these dogging sites for at least a couple of years, particularly midweek!
A post script to this story.....
I've seen this guy in action several times since. Each time he has no hesitation in pulling up next to another car with a couple in, even if there is a guy already on the other side. He is the original Mr Full Beam. Can't sit still at a site for five minutes. Driving in and out regularly. He has all the worst traits of an aggressive dogger. Normally I just steer clear. Until tonight, that is....
I pulled into a car park which I regularly visit. And who did I see but this guy at the other end with a car parked next to him. To be fair to me, I could only see a bloke inside the other vehicle and there was no clear sign it was a couple. There were no other cars around. So, rather mischieviously, I decided to park on the other side. I justified it by thinking to myself, well he parks next to other people, so surely he won't mind me behaving the same way? I am ashamed to say a tiny part of me did think it would be interesting to see how he would like a taste of his own medicine. So, I did something I don't usually do and parked right next to the other car, and just sat there with my lights off. After a couple of minutes, whoever was in the car in between drove out. If he was about to have any fun, it had come to a sudden halt - just as it did for me several weeks ago when he barged in. So how did he react to having the same behaviour inflicted on him that he inflicts on others? In a word, angrily. He reversed and drove up to the side of my car with his lights on full beam, presumably to get a good view of me. He then swung his car round the other side and I could hear and see him shouting and shaking his fist at me. He was, quite literally, a man possessed. He wound his window down and shouted: "You f***ing k***head. I'm going to f***ing thump you". At this, I started my car and started to reverse out. He then drove off, still waving his fist. Well, you reap what you sow, my friend. You reap what you sow.
And 2 wrongs rarely,if ever,make a right....
Quote by Steve
And 2 wrongs rarely,if ever,make a right....

You are quite right, and I accept it may well be perceived in that way. But remember I have seen him behave repeatedly like this, riding roughshod over other doggers, and bullying other people. He is the worst person I have seen at the sites I go to, by a long chalk. So it was a one off in an attempt to try and make a point. But yes, maybe I should've just taken the moral highground. But then, what chance of him ever changing his ways?