How soon will it then be that there will be security guarded dogging sites ?
In other words, Outdoor dogging clubs! Could this be the safe future of Dogging?
For example, naturists have their own designated sites all over the country.
Perhaps owners of car boot sites could utilize them as weekend dogging sites at night.
I am sure the entrance fee per car would cover the cost of security staff ,and be a nice little earner for them .Would that be against the law for providing a venue for outdoor sex? Would the police then turn a blind eye, and be able to get on with some proper police work instead of treating doggers the same as they would kerb crawlers, or would the powers that be maintain their narrow minded attitude of censorship, and repression?
In my opinion the relentless harassment of Doggers is a placebo to the general public via the media by the police, thus placating indignance of more serious social disorder in the community. i.e, 'Look- we are doing something about it'.
The saying, 'Bread, and circuses' comes to mind.
cc_7up :dry:
In theory all you need would be a secluded private area and stick a couple of security guards and all would be well....
The reality is oh so different .
First you would probably need a licence for a public event (We all know what councils are like!) then because it would involve sex it would probably come foul of some 400 year old by law . Then if you got past that no doubt health and safety would charge in saying you need x amount of toilets and condom machines....then if you got past all that no doubt the local pimps would move in and start introducing working girls etc etc.
So you can see its not to straight forward . My thought is with the amount of emty large warehouses around it might be a good idea to use those (ah shelter from the rain indeed!!) but then it all comes down to the same problems .
By the time all would be up and running it would be so expensive to enter on the off chance of catching something happening that you may as well jump on a cheap flight to amsterdam for a bit of the old window shopping !!!!!!
Sorry to put a dampner on it,just the way sadly i see it.
I have been offered a paid service on quite a few occassions.
I've turned it down because, somehow, it takes the fun out of it.
Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against working fact I think they should be legalised in proper Red Light Areas, as they are overseas, but it's the time and the place.
Secure parking spaces and prostituition of course have very little to do with dogging at all , except they sometimes are in the same location.
I feel the police tar us with the same ,'morals' brush,and would rather us stop Dogging entirely.
All doggers know of some place they know of which would make a good dogging site that would be save and trouble free,because its never been used before !!l .
So start you own location by annouceing it on this forum and invite emails /ims from interested parties and arrange privatly.I must say i give full marks to the mods who cut out the ads naming exact locations, unlike alot of other sites that annouce it the world which invites all the wrong is when a location becomes unsafe and brings the wrong form of attention.
So there is no need for mobile patrols /security guards or multstory car parks ,lets keep dogging out doors and retain its excitement appeal.