I'm really shocked at the negative comments on here & the fact that the original post has been lost along the way.
Big G Im most most shocked by your comment, how would you feel if it was silky that felt intimidated or felt under threat? I like you have been a member of this site for a while & feel that you could have offered more support or advice than "bye then"
JTS sneering at people who only want to show & not "shag"
Dogging was originally men who walked dogs in hope of catching couples on the off chance, yesw I agree for certain couples they have taken it further & have invited guys to join in, but like in all swinging no means NO & its is down to the individual to decide how far they want to go & not up to the 3rd party, anything forceful would surly then be ????
djduck22 I hope you are both ok and that this hasnt put you off totally, maybe take a break and recharge yourselves. Maybe consider going to clubs for a change of scene (much better ettiquette)but what ever you decide I wish you well
Kez xxx
As a couple, we've just got to say this.......
Listn to yourselves!
All the single guys and we do mean ALL of you banging on about "I'm right, you're wrong" and you ALL believe you have it spot on...well, I'm the female half of a dogging couple and I love the attention of single guys BUT the simple fact is I AM RIGHT and you are ALL WRONG! On the day, it's about what I want, not you and if you pi** me off you will be told to get lost pretty damn quick. I like what I like, simple as that, and I really don't care what you want or how you think it ought to be.
Essentially, we treat ALL single guys as complete idiots until they proove otherwise and before BIloke or anyone else starts complaining about "generalisations", the reason we treat them all like idiots is because in 10 years experience that is how they nearly all behave. We realise as said above that they ALL think THEY are special but believe me guys you're not. Some of you will watch, some of you will barge in, some of you will try to shag anything that moves but you all think that how YOU go about it is the correct way......How bloody arrogant is that?
If you are going to go dogging as a single guy, couples ARE going to treat you with suspicion until you show yourselves to be worthy of more. You may feel you are the salt of the earth, BUT WE DON'T KNOW YOU FROM ADAM! Why the hell should we give any of you the benefit of the doubt.
Some folk need to get a life. They are full of their self importance and they have an opinion about everything. Instead of living their life through a computer they should try living in the real world.
Which is probably why we would tell you to go to hell!
You are quite right, you don't have to proove anything to us........As we said in our last post....YOU ARE RIGHT!
You do it your way.....it is a free country.
Our opinion of course differs somewhat, which is what you don't seem to understand. Your opinion is ONLY CORRECT IN YOUR EYES.
Dear God!
BIloke.....you just don't get it do you.......You are STILL banging on trying to insist you are right.....
Our opinion is just that, an opinion, but as you put it earlier...
FACT: The only Fact pertaining is that NO-ONE in this country has to agree with anyone elses opinion.
It only seems personal to you because you get very frustrated that we don't all agree with you. From your attitude, we would not play with you even if you were straight...that is OUR choice and you can't influence that....but trying to insist that you are right is exactly the point we make.
Unfortunately....you are on this forum as a single guy as you say, so now you can post your contradiction and have the last word....which is kinda our point!
I fully agree that you think you are right.
Oh! And that you must have the last word. Watch, since we have responded, you won't be able to resist!
OK... this has strayed off the original post by a wide margin so I'm going to lock it. If someone has a good reason for it to be re-opened my PM box is in the usual place.