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Some thoughts

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Please don't treat this as a whine, it is more of a genuine question.
What purpose does this forum serve? Most internet forums exist either as contact points or discussion forums, but as I will exaplin below this forum doesn't really seem to be either.
Reading through the posts below there is a host of unanswered single male requests.
Other than that there is are a few posts which attempt discussion but seem to have been dominated by sarcasm, such as the indoor dogging post and the guy who was "looking for sex in GM area." There seems to be an "inner circle" of regular posts/moderators who seem to quick to dismiss people they don't know. This is of course understanable as there are almost certainly many people here who have little or no interest in the subject. But to this extend might it be a good idea to keep membership to this forum more limited?
I fully understand the need to keep locations secret, but it does slighly beg the question as to the purpose of a forum at all- pm's and proper contacts could be sent through the ads sections, as ultimatly a pm in itself is little safer than a forum.
Re-reading through my own comments this does seem rather "preachy"- please don't treat it as such!
It would be good to see some genuine and positive feedback here!
I dont post reularly as I know its a waste of time, and I take your point Susan, but whats the alternative? Seems the opinion is if you are a single guy then you are a timewaster, I just put up with it and dont worry. I know what I am as do the few genuine poeple I have actually met. Such is life!!! colin
The only complaint about your cock is that we can see it. Cock shots are not allowed as avatars. Please remove it.
Thank you!
Yeah, he has a PM about that. He'll be removing it soon, I hope mad
Susan..... as not to hijak your thread.... you have made some valid points. It is sometimes the case that certain posters get jumped on, but you have to admit that some people have crazy ideas that are worth laughing at! It is a forum for discussion about dogging, whether that be the ins and out of the activity, or arranging meets. It is true that many guys post on here and get no replies. But that is the case on every single swinging site, not just this forum - the fact is, there are a lot more single hetero guys than there are women! If guys want action, they should learn to be bi wink
Every aspect of dogging can be discussed here and I hope some newbies find the advice useful. Only exact locations cannot be revealed, and that is for safety reasons only.
Yeah, the regulars have been criticised before for being sarcastic, but we are all entitled to free speech and if we think something is stupid I for one will say so! It is only if people are getting very rude and very personal will the mods intervene and start kicking ass!
If anyone has any suggestions for how to make this forum better, please say so!
Quote by Susan-K
What purpose does this forum serve?

Not 100% sure if you are just refering to the dogging section (I think so) or the whole forum. If its just dogging them I'm afraid I'm not a dogger so disregard. As for the forum as a whole it provides me with
Knowledge - I'd never heard of dogging until 6 months ago redface
Information confused:
Exchange of ideas :idea:
Helpful advise
A way to meet up with people - socially and sexually
Some genuine :shock: moments
Some mad What the F**K?
And lots and lots of biggrin lol :D :lol:
It never ceases to amaze me.
I do sometimes feel sorry for threads that get pounced on. But I often have to sit on my hands so as not to express my disappointment in some peoples attitude when they post. I am guessing there are many other people doing the same thing - there are a few glaring ones in, Let's Meet UP, which have been posted today!!
However I'm sure there are literally hundreds of success stories that you never hear about. As you say PM's may be the best way to communitcate but I think many things which may continue in PM are often triggered by posts to the board.
Blue - as for ways to make it better - could you make it unavailable to me between 10am and 10pm when I'm supposed to be working
Quote by Susan-K
Please don't treat this as a whine, it is more of a genuine question.
What purpose does this forum serve? Most internet forums exist either as contact points or discussion forums, but as I will exaplin below this forum doesn't really seem to be either.
Reading through the posts below there is a host of unanswered single male requests.
Other than that there is are a few posts which attempt discussion but seem to have been dominated by sarcasm, such as the indoor dogging post and the guy who was "looking for sex in GM area." There seems to be an "inner circle" of regular posts/moderators who seem to quick to dismiss people they don't know. This is of course understanable as there are almost certainly many people here who have little or no interest in the subject. But to this extend might it be a good idea to keep membership to this forum more limited?
I fully understand the need to keep locations secret, but it does slighly beg the question as to the purpose of a forum at all- pm's and proper contacts could be sent through the ads sections, as ultimatly a pm in itself is little safer than a forum.
Re-reading through my own comments this does seem rather "preachy"- please don't treat it as such!
This site exists because it serves a public need, there are so many people who are sexualy frustrated and cannot find an outlet for their emotions living a "normal" life.
Even within a marriage, they cannot find satisfaction for their particular type of sexual excitement, so, being able to contact others who have similar needs and wants is ideal
for them to practice their fantasies.
It is not wrong because we are all different in our perception of life and what is meat for one is poison for another, we all need to be tolerant of other people and to understand them, whatever their likes and dislikes and as long as we are not hurting anyone else,that
is alright.
Right speech is over, someone else have a go.
It would be good to see some genuine and positive feedback here!
I must admit when I signed up i got caught up in the 'revelation of location' debate and got my bum spanked by Blue (boy it felt good redface )
I learnt my lesson straight away and as being a newbie anywhere, you soon learn the why's and wherefore's of what goes on. The only thing that annoyed me was seeing others reveal specific location details and still not get told off or have the details removed.
As a self confessed 'life cyncic' I love the sarcy comments and the 'in-jokery'. That said - I don't understand most of it as I haven't met any of the regulars (this may change at the next Munch)!!
I think the site is good. I met someone through it and we both had fun, and more importantly, I have learnt some important safety lessons from it.
I think whatever it is soemone is looking for, they can find it easily enough in time by using the Forum and Pm'ing people after reading their threads.
I've also seen some very touching posts by the likes of Calista and friends and it might surprise newbie's to see that there is more substance to the site than just sex.
All the regulars and contributors - keep up the good work xxxxx