err it seems i havn't got the hang of this.. posting on the forum.. im new to this and just thought I could PM people.. sorry to bluexxx for pissin her off.
err .. i will stop writing the silly ( not including this one! ) messages since i clearly dont know what i should be sayin..
so i am truly very sorry..
mr lume
No need to give up. Just - as in life - show a little respect. Most people wait for an invite to PM or at least get to know someone a little better first. Also - it may be worth looking through some of the other postings then you will get an idea of the type of people who use this site on a regular basis and what approaches work.
One thing to bear in mind - there are a vast majority of single males on here so you have to make your post appealing to stand out from the crowd.
But - more importantly is to remember that you are talking to real people who are here for their own reasons and not necessarily for your benefit. Don't get me wrong - occasionally (and only occasionally) your approach may work.
My suggestion is - get to know the site and the people - you'll have a better chance of success. Also there will be a great reluctance at the moment (because of the Stan Collymore debacle) for people to meet with total strangers in case they are the types with cameras and notebooks.
All this said - hello!
Well said Alex I second all that...
just copying coz I cant think of anything better than she said.
Jaine :twisted:
Oh & hello from me too