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South Yorkshire Dogging Tonight - Advice Needed Also!

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Hey everyone,
Im back to SH with another girlfriend, lol.
We have fancied trying some dogging, and have visited some local sites that I know....
Unfortunately we have been met by idiots who clearly havent got a clue about dogging or whats involved. We even got followed/chased by somebody who got so ridiculously worked up that i had my girlfriend in the car one night that we had to do some james bond manouvers to loose him confused
Anyway, more to the point. We are looking to get out tonight and im guessing the best way to arrange it is for a more private location via here? Or Am i wrong?
Thanks in advance people,
X x x
There are a few ways of going about it really..First, as you did, just amble along to an established venue and chance yer arm lol Sometimes it'll pan out just fine..but a ten percent twat factor can turn a carpark into a gladitorial arena..the good fellas will be there alright, you'll just not see them through the haze of dust left in the wake of the shafter's stampede confused :lol:
Arrange, as you suggested..but well away from the madding crowd. you'd be better off finding a suitably neutral venue yourself though, cause sure as fuck,if you act on information recieved,you'll end up in some wannabe's back garden :lol:
(in edit). I've just perused your ads, and you, like us..are kinda into the exhibitionistic side of the game..maybe you can try this?..get a few interested fellas to PM you..telling YOU where THEY'LL be on a given can suggest an approximate time window, but leaving them standing makes them keener :lol: don't describe your vehicle to them, or even give a percentage likelyhood of you even turning up..the rest is up to you..without having promised anything, you'll not be held accountable, or need feel guilty if you don't get out...its more like traditional dogging that way, with an edge, and all the elements that make the game so enticing when played "in the raw"..
most of all...enjoy wink
Well said Dirtydogers. xxxx
dirtydoggers, thanks for that. Looks to us like you are veterans smile
We just got back from another d***head-filled attempt.
Its starting to get a little disheartening to say the least.
We went out to try again instead of arranging because thats the thrill of the 'chance' encounter. We feel with it being fully arranged we are leaning more towards swinging and would maybe be better off just getting our arses into gear and going to swing101 club near where we are.
Meh, i dont know. But the way things are going its certainly offputting to eager newbies like ourselves.
X x x
just ecoing the advice u alredy been given unless ur shure a cple is a cple or a gen person is gen just be carefull the scene has in our opinion gon downhill somewhat but if u every find urselves our direction mail us ther is lots of very secluded places arround here xxx
Regarding your experiences to date curious, don't get too downhearted wink Actually, i penned you a reply in the early hours of this morning, but had sunk so much rocket fuel, the words eminating from my keyboard were the squalid ramblings of the devil himself :twisted: I've never heard of writing in tongues before :shock: lol
Let me run this by you, so we can get a tag on whats occuring maybe..Thing being, its part of human nature have a mental definition of what something should be, and once fixed in their consciousness, everything they read will serve to reinforce their view, and they'll discard anything that, three differing religions will read the bible, and each will be equally convinced it concurs with their own belief, and conflicts with the other's :lol:
What then happens is this..fellas that want to think dogging is about getting a quick gobble, will see only gobbling girls in a carpark :lol: shaggers will assume all couples are up for it, gay men will imagine all are ready to "turn", couples think all other couples are swingers and can't understand the presence of men in the carpark, and boy racers will apply any tag that justifies the hostile nature of their visit :lol:
Proper doggers however, tend to rely less on assumption..they tend to be more voyeuristic in nature, although some certainly wouldn't decline a suitable offer..its just they don't assume one will be forthcomming :wink: These fellas tend to play the game with dignity, they are polite, and they know there is little to be gained in storming a car..The others on the other hand, adopt the attitute "it's first come first cum", and give little thought to the fact the couple might not be the lid that fits their bottle rolleyes its also why fights break out amongst guys arguing over who's going first..and thats BEFORE they've asked the couple if they are playing :lol: and in case you are wondering, then yes!, we have seen that :lol:
Increasingly, guys are so fixated on the sexual involvement, often they are genuinely confused when you explain you "show only"..the concept doesn't even compute with them :lol: and in truth, its that frustrating attitude that edged us out of the carpark a little depressing when trying to "show" to see guys handing condoms out, asking amongst themselves "how many does it do?" or storming off when it becomes apparent they aren't going to get blown..The attention seeking bangers will always try and lure them off your car though :lol: they'll usually up the tempo if they imagine they've got competition :lol:
Sometimes you'll find there is a high sexual involvement factor in a carpark. And if (as is the case with our's) that leans toward gangbang sex, then using the adage of like attracts like, you'll find the quality tails off..I've no issues with the bangers, its each to their own, but with their demands for cock in quantity, they are more likely to encourage swarms of numb nutted shaggers into a venue., the impression of "girls gagging for cock" will be reinforced..such girls will openly advertise places and times on other websites, giving a "more the merrier" impression that eminently suits them, but the party atmosphere created by those attention seeking cockaholics and their shag fixated counterparts can overwhelm most carparks :lol: Trouble is, once the rascals have had a sniff, they tend to stay, their notion of carparks being full of slappers, ready to gobble at the drop of yer pants suitably reinforced :lol: its a kind of carpark evolution..proper doggers aren't pushy, nor do they usually they are left standing back watching the circus clowns performing from the ringside :roll:
The shag rabble veterans will usually use the banger's wares as a last resort..some will be happy to cum n go..but others will stake the carpark, often in groups, awaiting something fresher in which to sheaf their manhoods..only resorting to the resident semen recipticle when all else fails (usually with a pronounced "c'mon guys, i'm not waiting for these prick teasers all night, i'm going to empty my sack, i'll wash it over with petrol after") :lol: They've little respect for women in general, and nil regard as to quality :lol: They'll be silken tongued when trying to procure your girl's favours, but in truth, most would shag anything..and i mean anything! :lol:
What i'm trying to say..your desire for a subtle encounter isn't best sated in most mainstreme venues..the assumption is too high, the quality is often poor and the resulting frustrations tend to spill over into hostile attitudes..All of which, as a couple, you don't need..
Sometimes you get can be surprised :wink: often at strange hours! But my advice to you would be to look for some alternative carparks..often the proper doggers will find you (you'll be surprised at how dedicated they can be) :lol: if you don't want to go arranged, don''ll not find it sexy if you are seeking the spontaneous thrill can be a little too contrived..(although i imagine your PM box has been blitzed with offers?) :lol: I'll talk to you some more about it if you wish?..i feel this post may be getting a little long winded again redface :lol:
I wil be importing some "mobile phone" blockers soon. Activated in a carpark it produces some interesting effects, guys can be seen getting so agitated when they discover they're "out-of-touch" with the "network" that they drive away to find a spot where the things work.
That'll solve one problem.
The other is harder: how to design and deliver a virus that will crash the entire global network of servers.
Well said curious its getting harder and harder to find quiet dogging site now usually swamped with men or d@@k head boy racers not many good places about now so im thinking u are right and a prearragened meet is probably best way to go now
Wayne (Dogging virgin)
As long as the pre-arranged meet consists of the couple chosing the place and meeting the other attendees and then driving to it.
The usual arranged meet is the guy chosing it and the couple finding they're no better off, 'cause he told all and sundry along the way. Or worse, finding the place is next to a childrens playground and "just down the road from where I live"
The other way is to turn-up at the well-known-and-dogged=to-death site and chose a couple of trousers, telling them and everyone else that if you get followed you'll go home for the fun.....but you'll still be followed....100%
I agree jts thats definatly the way to do it
Quote by pheonix37uk
I agree jts thats definatly the way to do it

Thing is Pheonix37, arranged is fine for those that seek their thrills that way, but for those that desire the element of mystery, couples such as ourselves, and proper doggers come to is a very, very different emotion..It might be hard to understand from your point of view..given that we seem to gripe forever when things go bad lol but for us at least, the two are poles apart..I'm not knocking arranged..but our definition of dogging is very simple..we rely on us, they are guys that are quite content staking out a promising spot, maybe for a few hours a week, maybe many hours every night :lol:
That gives us the freedom to pop out as and when the mood takes..and more importantly, when we are feeling sexy :lol: traditionally, as long as there were enough fellas out there in the rain, snow or moonlight..the game would run along quite nicely..just a question of balance..there had to be enough couples to keep the fellas interested of course, but not so many it got a little predictable :lol: nothing was ever guaranteed..but that was fine ..kept things interesting wink
Thing is..and the aspect that confuses many..those dogging fellas..(well the proper ones at least)..kinda enjoy the sitting it out bit :wink: it is what dogging is :lol: like fishing isn't just the bit when you've got a carp on the end of yer line, and twitching goes beyond scoping a barn owl..its the whole deal..not the result.
One of the things thats upset the balance at the established, advertised or downright notorious carparks (often the same thing) the impatience..the "what time does dogging start?" mentality..or the "dogging must be dead, popped into ====== at 9pm, saw NOTHING!! sat there for ten minutes too mad " rolleyesthe dogger surge is putting couples off, and the polite fellas are giving up! in some venues, their reluctance to shag anything that enters,often bareback.. or get onto a motor fast is seen as a weakness,even amongst the couples :lol: "too many watchers, not enough doers" is an oft cited phrase that resounds in the deepest recesses of my abstract thinking mind :lol:
So, what to do? unfortunately, many of the smaller carparks are under exploited..good potential, but the action a little too infrequent, even for the die hards..Well, we took that route ourselves..but even then, although it worked well for a time, the faces became a little too familiar after a while..the turnover, naturally..isn't great and the miles we had to travel to find new victims became restricting.."curious" are just starting out on their adventure..we're a little exhausted now :lol: I don't wish to knock the game..its a thrill ride like no other :wink: they can have their spontaneous fun..they just need a push in a more productive direction :lol: arranged "might" not be it..for them :wink:
Dirtydoggers, (and everyone else)
Thanks for the ridiculously thought out and comprehensive replies.
I actually read your drunken post in the early hours and noticed that you had slipped in a more coherent edit today biggrin
You have pretty much outlined and explained everything to us and we are much the wiser, and we thank you profusely for that.
Not sure the direction we will take, got plenty of guys willing to watch , as well as a few couples. I think we will attempt an arranged meet before attempting to attract out in the field again.
It will be interesting to see how we enjoy it, and il look forward to letting you know how we get on.
X x x
Quote by Curiousyngcpl
Dirtydoggers, (and everyone else)
and il look forward to letting you know how we get on.
X x x

always happy to throw our experiences into the melting pot guys lol ..and seriously...let us know how it pans out, for better or worse :lol: we just lurve a dogging related read wink
Well, read all this. I note that Mr DD is back on literary form. This may drag on a bit....I'm on the mead wine .
I LIKE the waiting, it allows me to catch up on the missed sleep from the previous 30 years, catch up on the music tastes of the younger generation and catch up on what decent smoked ham tastes like .
I look at the cars coming in, and out, and notice that ***** has a new range to look at the stars and plot how to get rid of the trucks :!:
Then there is THE night, which was tonight.
You get to the carpark, and it's empty !
Not even a trace of burning rubber wafting on the calm autumn air from a previous departee.
Get out the fruit pastilles and turn on KISS FM...
Then, just to spoil it, in comes a car....oh shit.
It parks down the other end....then on flickers the interior light.....couldn't bloody see, too fast a flicker.
Next flicker I caught a sight of naked leg .
I suppose I'd better go and look.....leave the car unlocked and with the keys in it, just in case a strategic withdrawal is needed .
Get to the car...a mainly naked woman :shock:
Large breasts !
Large bum !
Large tum !
My kind of woman !
Game on.............................................
Anyway, I don't usually get involved, but there is always that risk....I tried....I really tried. But in the end, well, I'm ashamed to say this. I shagged her redface
After the goodbyes and the clean-up (slight excess of liquids)....I settle back to have a rest (at my time of life I need a few days (well, months) to recover....and in comes another bloody car....another they go into the field with a blanket....I can't be doin' with this....So, went home.
Anyway, the mead wine is fine. I'm fine, and the world is fine. And there's always tomorrow wink
Quote by JTS
Anyway, I don't usually get involved, but there is always that risk....I tried....I really tried. But in the end, well, I'm ashamed to say this. I shagged her redface
After the goodbyes and the clean-up (slight excess of liquids)....I settle back to have a rest (at my time of life I need a few days (well, months) to recover....and in comes another bloody car....another they go into the field with a blanket....I can't be doin' with this....So, went home.

OOOOH hell i'll like to spend some time on this-un lol but, i've got to go to work :cry: or maybe i'll call it off? this is more fun :twisted: dunno about me being on form, i was kinda hoping this new keyboard would sing a sweeter tune, but i still sound like a cu*t surprisedops: :lol: I sound like some American general doing a "freedom" speech :lol: in fact, my drunken post was a little "over the top", but it was way lighter..even though i got the cat sick joke back to front :lol: :lol:
Anyway..fine result J :wink: I think you summed up the waiting game far better in one post than i'll do in twenty novels :wink:
I was going to post something about not giving up, and keep trying to find the quieter places, but Mr DD said everything I would have, only his posts are much more entertaining lol
We have had some bad nights out lately, and the last two weekends have tried the advertised meet (not really gone to plan, but that is another story). However, Saturday night, visited a local spot which can get very busy, but had a great night, no one pushy, all nice guys who were more than happy to watch (well, if they werent happy to watch, they at least kept it to themselves). So Curiousyngcpl, please dont give up!
JTS, fantastic post as always, I can even picture you sat there eating the ham, watching the stars wink
but then I read this :shock:
Quote by JTS
Anyway, I don't usually get involved, but there is always that risk....I tried....I really tried. But in the end, well, I'm ashamed to say this. I shagged her redface

You tart, Im shocked :wink: :wink:
You may say that...but.
In the cold light of day...I think I was taken advantage of.
There I was, alone and vulnerable. And in drive two experienced seducers. Men are so vulnerable, easily controlled. Once in the throes of erectile dementia they are putty in the hands of such wanton seduction experts.
Anyway, I'm writing this at this early time because I decided to leave the layby early. Not so much decided as had the decision made for me. The traditional walk-past of the new arrival elicited a rather more dramatic response than usual, and asking if I could have a toke didn't go down well either. So I left them to it. They will probably go completely bananas when the massed ranks of truckers do the same !
lol :lol: Veterans !!!! :lol: :lol:
we love it :lol:
Here is the official advice from G Founder Clergy of the Church of Cynicology.
Go out to different places , try out a few . If the mood takes you have a fuck , and if your mood changes then stop and dont - the fuckwit fraternity will soon learn you are not available for urine extraction and the more ardent doggers left when you leave the carpark mid show will press their displeasure on the remaining asswipes. Same old broken record here I am afraid - if it feels good do it wether its one poilte dogger or a dozen loudmouthed dick heads - if it gets you off then carry on . If it stops getting you off then just stop , you will live to see another fuck and another carpark - and youll have lost nowt but yer petrol money.
Its just a game guys :-)
Peace All xx
hi were are the good places to go around sheffield pls thanks kelvin