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stockport dogging to this.

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hey all,
im new to this...
a couple of friends and i have become interested in dogging. we are all 19 year old males.
weve been down to our nearest dogging site a couple of times but have noticed that is seems to be single men sat in cars put it vauge our local dogging spot is close to a 24 hour tesco and close to toys r us and a big mill....u know it? wink
would any ladies be interested in meeting up? singles only please as were new to it all...
Sorry to dissapoint you lads, but you will find single female doggers are about as rare as rocking horse shit rolleyes
If you find any females about, they will almost certainly have their husband/partner with them.
Guys of your age should be meeting girls in clubs, not car parks confused
oh we meet girls in club salright
but were all about bunking off your normal life and trying somethhing a bit exciting for a change!
do many couples go to that site? whats the best day to go on???
Quote by stockport_dogger
do many couples go to that site? whats the best day to go on???

I have no idea mate. Look at my profile . . . I'm a couple of hundred miles away from you confused
You will also find that most couples/female will not dogg with teenagers anyway. We wouldn't want to be the subject of cheap thrills and talk at the local youth club rolleyes
Just offering you some advice that's all.
Quote by stockport_dogger
hey all,
weve been down to our nearest dogging site a couple of times but have noticed that is seems to be single men sat in cars waiting....

Hello mate - at least you have the sense not to name sites - good for you.
You'll find the guys that you mention are either fellow doggers or gay guys (or both) so make sure you know which way is up or you might get more tha you bargained for lol
To add to what TJ has said - it's unlikely that you'll get much action if you go together as people will either think that you are the plod or trouble so either go alone or wait a few years. There's a full list of dogging sites above.
Quote by Bloke2005
hey all,
weve been down to our nearest dogging site a couple of times but have noticed that is seems to be single men sat in cars waiting....

Hello mate - at least you have the sense not to name sites - good for you.

Ahh! But he did post *very* specific location details in his first post which was hastily deleted by a mod rolleyes
Hmmm... group of lads turn up together to a site and wonder why there are no couples.... hmmmm.... let me think.......
We went to a site in the North West on Friday night and before I had even taken my seat belt off, a car pulled up very close to us with three very young blokes in it! Needless to say we drove away very quickly.
Stockport_dogger, as the others have already said, you will probably find that single female doggers are very, very rare. It is also unlikely that couples would want to 'play' or 'show' to someone as young as yourself and if you do turn up with your friends, you will more than likely find that before very long you are sat in the car park on your own!
I might be wrong and it is only my opinion, but if you are serious about dogging then good luck, but it may be worth going without all your mates.
This will sound horribly patronising and it really isn't meant to be but if you guys are only 19 surely all the normal life sex is still pretty exciting?
It's been a while since I was 19, but I do find it puzzling that so many teenagers are trying to "get into" dogging, I was still trying out vanilla stuff with a few kinks at that age and I hardly led a sheltered life! I'm not saying there's anything wrong with doggers being younger, it's just surprising.
Ok, I'll get my coat...and my zimmer......will someone give me a lift to the Darby & Joan? redface
hear hear serendipity, surely they havent had time yet to discover the 1st things about sex and relationships
Give life a chance
T & G xxx
3 19 y/o teenagers in one car looking for female dogger's, " yeah Right", can you imangine the scenario, lol. 2 mins maximum, feel of a boob for a min and shoot for the other min, and that will be it, then they will go and tell the rest of their m88s they had a great shag with a fem.
Genuine doggers not only have to put up with pc plod, reporters, boy racers, havin your car trashed, being reported by some nosy spinster who just so happens to be a dogger but will only report you until they have had a good look first, now Teenagers are wanting to come on the scene, Yeah i know, genuine peeps cannot do anything about it, But it does add too the already numerical problems that are taking place. sad .
BRATS :lol:
Well after reading this subject there is only one point I can make.
If you are intrested in dogging then I suggest you dump your mates and tell them to go in their own cars.
The reason for this is that if a group of you turn up in one car (ie more than two of you), you are giving the impression that your 1 of 2 things. 1) Boy Racers and 2) Come to give the gay guys some stick and abuse.
Oh and one more piece of advice DO NOT PUT YOUR HIGH or LOW BEAM HEADLIGHTS ONTO OTHER CARS, keep them on your side lights. As this will show your serious and not a W@nker.
As regards to Giovanni777 " We all have to start dogging some time" smile
Very true, you do have too start some where,
Does anyone know of any teenagers who go dogging, or have they changed their name from "boy racer's" too "dogging boy racers" or maybe we should call em " The intimidaters" sooner or later they will live up to their name, I think incourgement in this case will lead to problems for some !!!!.
Gio ( john)