I really agree about having an up-to date loactions list built upm by local people. Either a Streetmap link or a Multimap one would be useful. However, more useful would be the local input that gives theexact spot, i.e., which car park or which end of the road. Some locations are pretty big and you can easily miss the right spot.
I also think a warnings list detailing dodgy locations or suspect set-ups would be useful. None of us wants to invite the wrong kind of attention!
doggin locations should be a members only preview but where ever you put these locations they will be spread like jam on toast theres no such thing as a safe location if its on the net people will look till they find it ive asked mark about a warnings spot of its own or make it so it tells you on the location your searching for all the warnings for that area but we all know the risks
It's funny, you'd think Multimap would have a special Dogging Locations section. After all, they've already got the maps! Perhaps I'll write and suggest it to 'em.
I strongly agree about precise meet details being arranged privately, but sometimes the inexactness (real word?) of locations leads genuine doggers on both sides of the show to miss the action.
The things we do have associated risks, but these need to be weighed up against the benefits. It's a lot more frustrating to be invited and not be able to find it.
Also, from a personal viewpoint, the current list probably only scratches the surface. There is the chance that if we all share our own personal hotspots that they will be swamped with passers by, but I think that would only be a temporary thing. I know that people are often loathe to share to much detail on what they consider to be their best spots, but surely if we share more spots there's a concurrent benefit of possibly attracting more couples? I'd have no problem the Dogging Locations being members only.
As for warnings, I really think there is a valid case either for a seperate section or a related sticky
Sorry if this sounds boring, I save all my best humour for my day job!
Agreed, Art!
In my experience, it's more common to find a spot with little or no action than to find it's overrun with passers by (or worse). That's why I posted the map link for a spot I've been visiting for some time, in the hope of attracting more action!
It's under Lancashire>Wigan ...it's the only one there for Wigan (and the only one I know about - I've been going there for a couple of years now) Any others in the area gratefully received!
here is the map for cardiff dogging.
here is the car park for south glam barry knap.