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Sussex dogging connections

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Warming the Bed
It is apparent that dogging in Sussex is in a very poor state at the moment. I see this as being due to a number of factors, some of which can be controlled and other which cannot.
The primary problem is that no one seems to know where it is meant to be taking place, so there is always a lot of movement and impatience. Every time I am out I see couples being put off by this.
There are also a lot of people wandering in on the off chance, and leaving very shortly after as they have not immediately had sex with a random.
So, the solution is that we get a 'group' of contacts together, and share information on times and places of meets. This will allow us to ensure that time spent out is effective, and that everyone gets what they are looking for.
All information received will be in the strictest of confidence. I will have a think about the best way of contacting you, but it is likely to be e-mail or text, or through messaging on here.
Please PM me with any further suggestions.
It would be good to get couples and singles (M and F), and to have ideas about what people are after (i.e. just watch, oral, or full sex: I am just into watching).
I look forward to making contact with many doggers, and ensuring that we all have a good, safe, time.
Dogging in Sussex seems quite satisfactory to us, and we participate regularly as many sussex guys on here will testify. However posting our exact intentions or locations on here would be extreemly stupid as every half baked idiot in the land can read the information if they have a mind to! Likewise, sending a PM to some sort of co-ordinator, especially someone totally unknown, and expecting some sort of organised meeting is just that, a is not dogging. We don't feel in the least that we need any form of assistance or "rules" (not that anyone would follow them, why should they?) and neither do any of the other doggers we know, male, female or couples.
We don't quite understand your proposals anyway? Are you suggesting that Sussex doggers inform you where and when they are going out to play or what? Why?
Quote by dippergt750
Are you suggesting that Sussex doggers inform you where and when they are going out to play or what? ?

:thumbup: It certainly reads like that is what is required. Send a timetable of places, times etc
Quote by dippergt750

Cause it then saves him driving round and doing all the leg work which all the other doggers put it. Its called having it on a plate wink
S1dthesexist, good luck with this, I think you might need it.
You just may find that the majority of people are not willing to give away the places they have worked hard to find and unless they specifically want to met you, I very much doubt they would want to disclose things like the times they go out.
Hehehehehe......10 out of 10 for sheer blind cheek I suppose!
So, the solution is that we get a 'group' of contacts together, and share information on times and places of meets. This will allow us to ensure that time spent out is effective, and that everyone gets what they are looking for.

So, the solution is that I get a 'group' of contacts together, and collect information on times and places of meets. This will allow me to ensure that my time spent out is effective, and that I get what I am looking for.
Warming the Bed
Oh yee of little faith.
John: I think that you are saying more about yourself than me.
It is good that some of you are having a good time. Perhaps it is where I am going that is not the best, but I am sure it could be better with a little organisation to sort the wheat from the chaf.
No, the details would not be published: this is essentially an exchange of information, which would only be passed to OK people.
And yes, I do appreciate that this will save me driving around lots, it will also prevent others doing the same, and the contingent risks of people hanging around carparks for ages waiting for something to happen.
The idea is actually appropriated from some friends in London. They advertise as couples looking for groups, and then invite their mates, who have similar interests. It is not rocket science...
If you examine my profile, you will note I do not "do" meets.
I do not do them because too many couples are really singles.
Yes, your idea is not rocket science.
So much not like rocket science that it has been done to death.
Warming the Bed
the point here is that dogging isnt really dogging if you arrange to meet and have sex in a car park, that has a different name :
'having sex in a car park with someone i/we met on the internet'
dogging is all about chance, thats what makes it so exciting! sometimes you meet, more often than not you dont. as a couple we would love to know where other couples are going, but we quite enjoy our evenng drives looking for likely spots!
I think you miss the point that we are making. You are trying to set yourself up as some sort of self appointed organiser. Most doggers want "organising" like they want a hole in the head! Dogging is spontaneous for heaven sake! Also, why would we give you details of where we are going so that you and whoever YOU decide have the times and places etc. Sorry, but you will find that it just ain't gonna happen.
We note that you moan about lack of luck in Sussex, you don't find much going on???? Your profile actually says you come from Southwark which is actually in London last time we looked....if you lived closer and researched the subject properly, you would find plenty of "active" sites in Sussex.....there is one that gets so busy that one chap comes equiped to pass out cups of tea from his vehicle!
Bit concerning also is the fact that you know people who advertise as couples in order to get a response, then take their mates along.....that is the sort of behaviour your first post implies you are trying to stop. If you condone decietful tactics to get guaranteed action then you are joining the ranks of those which genuine doggers avoid like the plague!
What you seem to want, is for YOU to have all the information so YOU can set things up as YOU require, but if you look carefully, you will find there is no "U" in dogging.
At the end of the day, I think that you need to realise is, that where couples are concerned, it is ALWAYS the ladies choice. Yes, couples will drive off if they feel pressured, chased or threatened....that is not panic, that is sensible action and it happens all over the is part of dogging. Most couples who go dogging, avoid arranged meets with people in case that "nice couple" they arranged to meet turns out to be a really minging single guy, or worse, a group of guys intent on sex at all costs. That is why most sane couples will not hand over details to an anonymous "organiser".
Warming the Bed
very interesting thoughts and ideas!!!!!!!!!!!
have to say from our point of view, we very close to brighton and use to go to a local area but due to the very many singles and the toing and froing, and the lack of other couples we no longer go there, to off putting, we have resorted to arranged meets, one we can control the numbers, 2 people we choose know the rules and etiquette (something not always evident at said site) and can at least meet another couple, i am also allowed to go out and play as well, and although maybe only go out about a dozen times year am lucky to find anyone dogging, perhaps i just choose the wrong time and place. or maybe just respect the etiquette to much? but what i am certain of is that most couples i dont think are going go for this idea, why should they, and think that some of the regular guys already text each other if they find action so why should they, they already doing it.
for us unless the situation changes at the location near brighton we will stick to arranged meets,
Warming the Bed
Wow - this could run and run. We have a lot of sympathy for most of the points raised - and can have some sympathy for the original guy. To be frank, we don't have preferences either way. Sometimes we just turn up and it can be a disaster - specially at the , and sometimes we have a ball with either a guy or a couple who we never planned anything with. Similarly, whilst spontaneity is all very well, most of us have tried to organise meets - we certainly have, and some work, some don't. Many of those who suggest they like spontaneity have contacted us and asked for a meet - especially when Mrs V has done a show on the site. In closing the real deal is that there should be no rules either way - it depends on your mood - certainly when we organise meets we are never left driving around for entertainment and pestered by idiots with no manners - but hell just turning up can be so much fun as well - enjoy and dog on!!
Warming the Bed
love going dogging to a few places and like the idea
of meeting people on the off chance ,not knowing who will be about and a lot off people enjoy off chance meeting with know pressure so to arrange a group would take the thrillaway from dogging and people who still are not computer freindly may not get invited ,my feelings hope not to offend any one jay biggrin