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Thanks for ruining our night!

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27 replies
8 watchers
Rob and I went out last night to TRY and have some long awaited dogging fun. It was a disaster!
We are fairly choosy about who joins us, so we decided against a couple for single men who loitered by the car. We had not invited them over: it was simply their behaviour that put is off. On two separate occasions they'd first blinded us with their headlights, parked right next to our car, and upon leaving theirs they walked round our car for about 15 mins - never more than a foot away. Is this acceptable behaviour? It made me feel intimidated and angry... Not a good start for a good dogging session!
We decided to leave, and find a discreet car park on our own, by ourselves. THREE CARS followed us to THREE different car parks. They weren't dogging car parks, but then we no longer wished to be watched, let alone for anyone to join in. Our convey followed us over the space of over an hour, and we were thoroughly pissed off. One car in particular even tried to follow us home, when we eventually decided giving up.
Why is it that so many single men behave this way? The dogging protocol seems to me, fairly clear.. and common sense. As couples in car parks are relatively rare, why spoil it for yourselves by blinding, intimidating and following us? We, personally, get put off by this type of behaviour - as I believe other couples would to.
The kind of guy we'd want to join us would be polite, discreet, and considerate. Everything that these guys were not. So, could those of you out there doing this have a thought that your actions not only ruin the evening of the couples involved, you're also ruining it for yourselves!
banghead :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Marie and Rob
That's terrible, sorry to hear you had such an off-putting experience sad . It is normally acceptable for guys to express an interest by watching from a distance, but it isn't acceptable for them to come right up to your car without an invite (such as a wave or flashing lights etc). It is the following you to several different car parks that beggars belief - after the first one I would have thought any reasonable person would have realised that you did not wish to be watched! They sound like sad desperates to me and I can't believe that they thought they were going to get anything positive from behaving in this way mad .
Not all guys behave like this, please don't let it put you off forever! :P
This sound like another good reason to PM about meets!!!!!!!!, as you not only find a quite place where you can enjoy yourselfs, but you can also pick the type of person that you would like to play with.
Quote by RobandMarie
We decided to leave, and find a discreet car park on our own, by ourselves. THREE CARS followed us to THREE different car parks. As couples in car parks are relatively rare, why spoil it for yourselves by blinding, intimidating and following us? We, personally, get put off by this type of behaviour - as I believe other couples would to.
Marie and Rob

Marie that sounds petrifying. I hope both you and Rob are ok. As a couple who also dog, we have had one or two occassions like that. However, if we get followed out of the car park (I think I know which one you are refering to) we always just pull up outside the first petrol station/open takeaway, infact anywhere that there are other people about.
This is usually enough to put off the person who has followed us, when we make it plain we are not going anywhere else. We certainly would not take a risk of going to find another car park with someone on our tails. Once they have driven off, we give them a couple of minutes to be away from the area and then leave ourselves.
As you say, we dogging couples are few and far between, but we still deserve respect and consideration. After all, we are there primarily for our own fun. If we invite doggers to join or watch they should think themselves lucky and show some appreciation by being polite.
Terry & Jon
This would make a marvellous description of how Not to go dogging. They deserve what they got - nothing! However, as I have said time and time again on here, manners and politeness work more effectively than being pushy.
The other annoying fact is, that with behaviour like that, they are unlikely to be members of this site, who would know what is expected of them.
Don't let it put you off, but don't be bullied into showing when you don't want to either.
As a relatively new dogger and a single male it saddens me that some single males behave this way. The whole scene relies on couples enjoying the experience in an exciting but non-threatening environment - if single males cant follow the rules it will ruin it for everybody.
All I can say is that there are single male doggers out there that are determined to keep the faith and respect the rules. I hope this experience doesnt out you or other couples off, as we all know it can be great fun for everyone with the right attitude!
even me and some fellow doggers in the north west are getting fed up with the idiots who are ruining the dogging scene in a big way i hope u have better luck next time
Well thats another great evening ruined by the looks of it. I am a lone male who some nights goes around the various local dogging spots and Im getting pissed off as well with the blokes who deliberately have full beam shining into your car as the do the turns I tend to stay for at least 30 mins in one palce and certain vehciles are round and round like nobodys business.
in the last month I have seen 4 seperate couples frightened off by this sort of behaviour.
I quite frequently chat to one couple who I know and even they are getting fed up. I know them as friends which is slightly diffferent but never the less most annoying.
Wherever you are from I wish you all the best and hope you ahve some peace and quiet somewhere.
I live near walsall and I know of a couple of quite places that idiots dont seem to have found yet but am not saying in here as the peace will soon be shattered.
Take care
Hrny DAve in Walsall/Birmingham/Sandwell area
Well, this is the usual situation.
Unfortunately, there are always going to be some who don't follow our rules, just theirs: The end justifies the means.
The most worrying aspect is that after an event, the ones who follow are the ones who never leave the car.
I've seen this quite a few times now.
It's a sign of the times.
Many couples never give any signal at all anyway, and one is puzzled at the complaint about the walkbyes....If there is no sign it is to be expected that people will walk past. Maybe a foot away is too close. The rules are not set in concrete and quite a few "shows" never give any sign at all, ever.
In any case, at several of the well-used sites you are lucky to have only 3 guys near two-mile-bottom about a dozen is the norm.
As for the "avoidance-of-knobheads-who-follow"....good advice is to always have a route out sorted, which will take you to a pub or restaurant (or filling station), never forgetting to leave the car in sight. Handbags and cards locked away and NO addressed envelopes or anything else anywhere to be seen. If you want one guy and not where you started, just have a few handwritten cards with a pay-as-you-go mobile number and work it out.
You gotta remember, youse de guys wiv de con-trol, deys de guys wiv no choice.
And don't be afraid to say if you don't want loads of guys, if they cannot take a hint just drive a distance away...some will get the hint. Maybe !
It seems the same all over, these type of people attract unwanted attention from the law too & it pisses me off that someone you may have arranged to meet ends up being frightened off by these idiots!. Don't let it put you off Rob & Marie, there are genuine male doggers out there.
This type of behaviour is certainly not a one off as shown by the comments on here. Also, don't think that single men in this forum wouldn't act this way, because we know one that does.
Thank you for your comments everyone. We are certainly not put off by this. We just wanted to highlight how creepy and inconsiderate actions spoil things for everyone.
I suppose there is always the possibility that they were trying to intimidate you into leaving so they could get on with their drug dealing or what have you.
Hi Rob & Marie
May I first point out Marie that I am the guy that rang you I believe it was the week before last and immediately realised you only wanted couples, I then wished you luck and made the final comment that hopefully 1x day you would seek single males..... we both laughed and I rang off. With the IDIOTS about that you have encountered no wonder you don't want to meet single males....... I can only apologise from all of us genuine guy's that will never meet the likes of yourselves because you have been frightened off. I guess its the same idiots that wonder why the police are now taking an interest in known dogging sites accross the country...... the behaviour that you encountered beggers belief, I can only hope that you do find the fun you seek before giving up for ever.
I wish you luck
Take care
Trevor :cry:
It doesn't beggar belief at all.
When "dogging" changed from being a watchers game, to one where the adherents EXPECTED to join-in as almost a right, THEN it changed to the melee we've got today.
The majority of those guys were undoubtably married, and on a short leash. Most are nowadays. Probably out for "a quicky with the lads".
All they want is a quick "dip of the wick". Most aren't interested in a "show", they just want a "go".
The sites are nice and quiet later at night...none of the "knobheads" are out because the wife won't let them. I've had some good shows late at night, early in't morning. The past few weeks have been quite pleasant.
Haven't been to Milton Keynes for a while, too many "car-park-cowboys" about with their 4 wheeled substitute phallus. So stuck to two sites fairly local. The local in-town site is full of turds with big headlights and small brains again, and also the bo'racers...who at least HAVE a brain.
It's also worth noting the latest "sod 'em" routine....waiting until some guys are around a show and then splashing the headlights over everything and waiting...quite pathetic really...but what do you expect.
Now, if every OTHER site had a no-names-no-times rule, things would quiet down in a short while.
Thank god I don't go dogging! :shock:
i would like to add my two pence to this thread. I am sick and tired of being blinded by idiots who think it is cool to drive into car parks and use their headlights to see if there are couples in the cars. I have even seen them drive in and drive out when there are couples in the car park and the couples are having fun already, insanity is not the word for it.
I like to think i am descret and polite and i would hope more men are however i have seen first hand idiots who think that the couples are just there for their pleasure and have scared them away with their attitude.
So although i am flogging a dead horse could us single males consider how we go about things and wait to be invited, turn lights off when we get into a car park and respect the couples out there as they are why we are there.
I visited on the way back froma relative last night Ansons BAnk again and surrounding area.
I arrived at Ansons around 9;45pm. It was relatively quiet and I parked near about three car lengths (longways) away from two cars not knowing whetehr there was a couple there or not in one of the cars.
As usual as I was turning I knocked heasdlights on to side lights not to blind. About ten mins later a car drove in full headlights did the lighthouse thing and reversed into one of the spaces, full headlights were on me for about a minuite before he turned them off.
So what was his game, the idiot.
Im not a regular up there now but am at others, getting pretty good at predicting the cars that will be back adn in what time spell.
Earlier on that evening had spent almost an hour sitting two car widths away from a couple they were cleaning the inside of the car after a bit. Very pleasant, asked the guy if he had seen a coupel of friends of mine since his window was down. Nothing happened but thats the beauty of waiting you never know. Usual headlight people roudn and round.
Personally if I find a couple in a car I tend to stop some way away and put my interior light on for a little while so they know exactly who is in the car (thats if they are watching). If they drive off then I know straight away they are not interested, if they stay I stay unless they say anything until they have gone and then if Im want to go elsewhere I wait until they are out of sight. Thats my way of doing things, whetehr right or wrong but have been very lucky in the past for a good show. A number of times have been invited to play adn been lucky on two seperate occassions to go further.
To me a good show is just as important as going further which is just icing on the cake so to speak.
To all the genuine doggers out there continue to be courtesious and patient. To all the idiots, well you wont read this anyhow I suppose.
Anyhow all the best Rob and MArie
And if you want to reply direct Rob/MArie I will give you the part of my reg and then you can see how courtious I am.
:cry: being a full time dogger for 4 years..........i no what its like i some times have to get ouy of my car andtell others to fuck iam sitting alone in my car that makes me laugh..they get so close i have to tell them sadly the good places have been put on the net and that brings in wankers and they no who they are ,,,iam sorry 4 u 2.......become like them and piss them off say go works....good luck and thanks 4 the joy you bring to gentlemen doggers,,,,,,,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :twisted:
What, you mean they get out of the car in your neck-of-the-woods ?
I think the ones in my shire county are rooted to the car seat.
roband marie you have your sympatse sa it haped to us if you read (penilergaer page 3 dogging ) you will see what we mean dont let them get to you :taz:
Sorry to read of your bad experience, but I have to say not all single guys are such morons, when out with my wife we have had similar problems and she will only venture out to a private meet, and then not at a regular site.
I go out on my own to local sites and meet up with a few of the regular guys and the talk is always the same about certain people who drive round and round. I have even seen one guy try to block a car so they could not get out mad (after a quiet word he as not been seen since). :small-print:
most of the guys I know are very patient and will wait quietly to be invited to watch or whatever, but as in the rest of society the we are all judged by a few...........
Perhaps single guys are different up in Blackburn to the ones in Dorset, because I would say that a good 70% of the single guys around are discourteous in some way or another. :dry: We'll not let them deter us though, it's they who will miss out!
Rob and Marie
Sorry to hear of the trouble some stupid people gave you.
It really amazes me why they do it. I mean, the point of most of us single doggers is to be treated an amazing view of one of the beautiful acts god created. biggrin
myself and a couple of the Kent single doggers who I have met try to be respectful and always remain in our cars unless specifically told to get out by a pre arranged signal.
We always now use private mail to arrange meets and never use what are now very public dogging points (in fact dover was regarded as a very well known spot and had people just turning up for a laugh which is unacceptable).
In future, if you do plan to go out again, read the new guidelines about arranging a dogging point. Only inform people by mail and then set them ground rules.
The most recent (new, not a regular contact) session involved lots of emails and even a couple of alternative meets and phone numbers. These help prove genuine people from the jokers and help make a great night.
In addition, we always arrange for the watchers to turn up early so that the people performing (wrong word but it will do) can ascertain if they feel it is safe.
Its a pity Bournemouth is a long distance from me. I would be willing to show you how a gentleman dogger behaves.
Good luck in the future
Bravo...this is so true. And then guys wonder why the dogging scene in Dorset is dead!
Another thing, if people didn't keep advertising dogging locations then curious idiots with intentions of spoiling it for the rest would probably not even know where to go. I believe all the recent publicity in the media has alerted a lot of local people of a scene they have been quite happyly living with for years, but now they know it's going on near to where they live, have pressured councils and alike to shut down these spots. Look at how many sites in Dorset are now all locked up at night, or fenced off and the increased levels of policing that goes on.
So, apart from the above, if you don't want to spoil the fun for yourselves, stop keep thinking it's big to tell everybody about it!
Are any of you out and about during the day on Sunday.
Would love to be iniated into the Dorset scene as previously I have heard great things about the area.
Im male, st8, up for fun and games and willing to travel.
Happy to spend part of sunday driving for a couple of hours to see the sights.
Discrete, and happy to go with the flow.
Mail me, don't post info on the site
My last post should have included sunday evening. Not too late though, I need my sleep
You can expect many more sites to close in the coming year, or be drastically altered.
This is a strategy designed to manage public sex environments.
It is a partnership between local police forces and various government (local and national) organisations, including various trusts such as the widlife trust amd the woodlands trust.
I acquired a draft copy of the Byrne report last year, which looked into this has since been remover from public access at the university.
A copy of it still resides on this site somewhere.
The report had such an effect on my local borough council, which was unaware at admin level of PSEs', that it has decided to close all local park car parks at nights, this year.
And before you start preaching about "everyone should keep quiet", it is all who use car parks etc for sex that are at fault.
My council has been collecting information about this for a year...from the guys who have to clean the things up...of ALL rubbish.
It will save some per year to close ONE town centre car park in rubbish collection costs alone.
Never mind that some of the guys refuse to pick up the used rubbers for infection fears.
I have started a group JUST for this file to be downloadable, it is at:

The file is a PDF file and is in the FILES section, download as usual...
Note that every council got a copy.
Hi Jomu...always nice to have a balanced discussion and yes, take your point completely...perhaps it's inevitable that this scene will be closed down...perhaps it should be! The point being that whilst consenting grown-ups want this lifestyle, and others don't, the minority quite rightly will have to operate with the upmost of descretion. Anything in life should be done without causing any harm or offence to others (or the environment!). Clearly, the fact that many senior people in local gov'mt were never aware of PSE's before this report and the recent media hype, demonstrates that previously there was a reasonably good balance. That appears to now be in decline. We fully accept that it's totally un-acceptable for practicioners to discard rubbish and such like that cause offense, health risk and costs money for the authorities to clean-up. That's not just something to do with dogging - just good manners and and a consciensous social attitude.
We'll read the report with a great deal of interest...and an open mind. Many thanks for the responsible comment.