Not sure whether this is the right place to post this or whether there is really any point. Nevertheless thanks to the couple at a well known site last night near Worksop. If you read this you will know who you are, even if I dont!
For more public consumption and to explain, I am a relative newbie at this dogging business. Have been to popular site near Nottingham a couple of times and enjoyed it although its a bit like Hyde Park corner at rush hour. Been trying to branch out more locally but without any success in S Yorks area; not sure if been doing anything wrong as several times pulled into car parks in N Derbys, seen a car, parked a discreet distance away, and flashed interior light, only for car to drive away (possibly just courting couples?). Anyway last night happened to be passing Worksop so called at site. A car parked up. Another point, do you lot eat loads of carrots? When I was at Nottingham, people seemed able to discern the identity of occupants of cars as soon as they appeared whereas I, trying to be considerate where I aim car lights, have difficulty working out how many people are in any car and what sex. Anyway pulled up a little way from car last night, flashed with the interior light and, bingo, flash back. Got out and approached with some trepidation. Very friendly couple, take pity on obvious novice, chat briefly. Georgeous blonde, slim, boots and leather skirt (mmm). Put on a bit of a show whilst inviting me to wank, in which she lent a hand and finished the job off and, after wiping down the outside of their passenger door, thanked them, bade them goodnight and left. Just as I always hoped the experience would be. Needless to say, went to work with a rare smile on my face for a Monday!!!
Hope you guys don't mind me sharing the experience. Probably pretty mundane for most of you!!
PS if anyone prepared to help with sites around Sheffield, would be grateful. Pm me. Thanks.