recently visited and were lots of visits by both rangers and the the recent publicity alarmed some dog walkers who did not fully realise why many of the cars were seems it may be a good idea to change venues for a while,what with the police becoming involved some one will no doubt be made an example of...maybe I am over reacting but an early warning......
I was up the chase on Monday for about 3-4hrs & didn't see one ranger or police car unless they are not in ordinary patrol cars but I have to say it was unusually quiet for such beautiful weather.
yeah dont worry too much.....i was approached by cannock police and asked what i was doing there, i thought what is the point in lying so i just bent the and said i was waiting for my lover......they just said be careful and have a good time, have a good one which i thought was great. the chase realy is a waste of time at the moment though and even if there is some action it isnt going to be at ansons or aspen too much attention. i know a few more secluded areas that i have seen action in.......... but havent been there for a while i suppose they are no good now either.
On Monday there was certainly evidence about that somebody has been up to naughties recently but I don't know if that was down to was certainly people still driving on & then driving straight off again which always seems curious to me. I am still nervous about going up there at night & it seems such a shame with this present spell of good weather. Oh well never mind !!!!
hmm yep its very quiet on the chase at the moment .. the signs have been removed and there are some .. but not many rangers about . If people are going to enjoy the best of this weather then it might be an idea to give an approximation of where people are likely to be ?..
As for me .. well just looking in as many secluded spots as i can .. so far no luck ..will be heading back there this afternoon round about 2pm onwards .. if anyone wants to play please make it obvious !!
as you say lots of nice weather does seem a shame,maybe just watch me cum can pm me and let me know those quite places,in the meantime just be very careful at the moment..
Was thinking of going up the chase tomorrow lunchtime but I am not so sure anything will be going on at the moment.