Went to a well known Cheshire Dogging site last night,the one where the toilets got burnt down,and was amazed at the idiots that seem to be multiplying all the drive up and down all night long,shine headlamps into parked cars,worse still sit with all lamps full on,and then they wonder why the couples dont bother to use the place much any more..Last night they were on the go till into the early hours,and the couples that did turn up soon using common sense guys and make it a lot better forall those genuine doggers that do abide by yhre rules,unwritten as they may be......
Well, what is that exactly ?
Do they WANT any action, or are they trying to stop any action ?
There are an increasing amount of people now who are closing the action down, by deliberately driving around and stopping it.
Local vigilantes and local prudes are now getting into the theme of things.
Local kids are also doing the same, by just being there.
The local gay cruising site now has a vocal local who makes himself very unwelcome, and he's also been seen at night stopping any normal back-seat-gymnastics.
Then there are the guys who know they're at the back of the queue, so do what they can to be at the front.
It's the old problem, the 100:1 ratio.
I use just 2 sites now, neither stand out from the crowd, and both are away from the vocal-local rubbish.
There still isn't much action though. And it isn't going to get any better.
The rules are not un-written either, just un-adhered to. On purpose.
Yes and the press didnt help,dont know what they were trying to proove,at the end of the day publicity good or bad can actually promote what they are frowning on,problem is it promotes it to the wrong people,lets face it the Chase is one we should have a dedicated government approved dogging sites......strictly members only...ah dreams
The press know exactly what they're up to.
"there's no such thing as bad publicity" may be true if you're press or politics, but if you're a couple with kids it can be a disaster.
And it doesn't take a brain to know that saying "car parks have women in giving sex away" will generate lots of cars in car parks.
Dogging, and swinging, are cases where "no publicity is good publicity"
Well said jomu I think that about sums up dogging at the moment the press have frightened of genuine dogging couples who are frightened of being caught so they don't go anymore.
The news media will lose interest.
The new guys with bad manners and no hope will be around for years to come.
Don't forget, this hobby is more addictive than smoking, crack is easier to give up !
You know the old doggers saying don't you ?
" I'll give it another 20 minutes "