I have had enough of arriving at previously good sites in the South East only to be confronted by complete prats with big cars, big headlights and big expectations.
Can someone please advise my PM inbox of some new, quieter locations in the Kent or Surrey area, preferably close to the M25.
I am out and about tonight from onwards if anyone would like some friendly and well-behaved company.
Couples enjoyed, two or more females adored !
Many Thanks
It's the way they swagger in and think they have a divine right to join in with the fun.
It's like, "you've had your five minutes - it's my go now" !
Arseholes - all of 'em.
Hopefully, the PM machine on here can solve my woes !!
What really gets me is the way they shine their lights until you move off, then they drive off ?
Cerebrally wanting ?
Dare I say they need their lights on as they are going blind due to too much self-pleasuring ???
Nah, can't say that - surely ???!!!!
Cynical............................but probably true !!