The wife and I are (were) Virgin doggers until last Friday.
We went to a site listed on this site in Essex at 10:00pm and we were the only car in the car park. We went over to a corner of the park and waited, we didn't have to wait long.
An Escort van with one person in it parked about 20 feet away from us.
As I say we were New to this and not quite sure what to do. We waited 2 minutes and chatted about what we shold do, but then he drove off. About 5 minutes later the same van reappered and did the a big loop around the park and went again. We decided to park closer to a tree lined part of the Park and he returned.
The wife and I had decided to take the plunge and started to fool around, Guess what White van man turned up again and parked agin but further away,we turned the interior light on and fter 20 -30 second he drove right next to our car. The night ended with what appeared to be 3 Virgins breaking their Cherry at Dogging.......... the moral of this story is Patience is a virtue. And treat all third parties with kid gloves they could be your Virgins.