We will be there from 10-30 ish Only looking for mutual watching fun with like minded couples.
Male 36, Fem Bi-curious 20
Fuck me did we get a fright last night in this place. SCARY SCARY STUFF
What happened? Maybe other people should be warned.
I'll second that, I think the forum should be used as a "warning" place as well as for meeting
Well someone decided to arrange a meeting saying they were a couple. we drove in past them, then they followed us to the bottom of the car park, flashed the interior lights and it looked like there was a man and woman in car although the woman was keeping low in the pasengers seat. We put our light on for a moment then off. The other drivers door opened and the interior light went on very low. It was very dark but we only saw one person get out (Drivers side). We could just make out the profile of someone creeping from the car and making towards my drivers door when someone tried to force open the passengers side door of our car. I put headlights on and saw a well built male stop in his tracks with what LOOKED LIKE a knife in his hand. He scurried off to his car. We noticed the other person was not in the car with him and had dissapeared.
We left very very quickly and will not be returning.
I forgot to mention the car was silver blue colored the size of a mondeo and was on a J plate.
You say a couple arranged a meet with you. Was that done via this site or another site? If so, you must have their online name?
People need warning.
Thanks for letting people know about this.
Someone mentioned in another thread about the dangers of arranging exact meeting times and places on the public forum, I think this was mainly in relation to the police turning up (can't quite recall!), but it applies equally to cases where muggers. rapists and other nutters might be arranging "meets" as well. Of course arranging meets in private doesn't guarantee you're not meeting a nutter, but I think it cuts dwon the chance.
The contact was done via this site. I have since removed my mail address so cannot be contacted again unless its through private messages on here.
I deleted the original Email as soon as I received it, as I do wih all my mail.
Needless to say there will be no more meetings for me unless I speak to the other party by phone beforehand. (Me calling them on a home number rather than a mobile)