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Want to come dogging with me tonight ?

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Hi any cples single fems would like a male to join you Tonight or even take you to a secluded spot for some adult fun where i can either watch or join in at your request
im only here once so i am going to fully enjoy myself
im sure you would be pleasantly surprised
After looking at your advert Mr T, I am sure that a lot of people will be suprised! sorry to be personal, but that is very big lol
Hi Naughty Wigan Couple
Im a gentle guy & im sure there must be a sexy fem or a couple who would like some fun
(i hope so anyways) the car park have gone very quiet these days so i trying to broaden my horizons
im a very respectful and i have found a great place to go for privacy (perfect)
i think if anything would put people off is im about to have my head skinned
i only hope people wont judge me on my apperance as i am a genuine guy
p.s. im sure iv,e seen that bike before :arrow: confused:
anyways have fun :arrow: :P
Far be it from me to make the kind of lewd comments that would turn Mr T into an object of sexual lust with no consideration for his feelings, losing all sight of him as a person but........
CRIKEY!! That's a mouthful and then some!! lol
Sorry Mr T, I had to look after Naughty's comment.....although the use of Half Life as a comparison for size had me thinking it might get twice as big! :lol: redface
looks just like a cock only smaller lol :lol:
fucking nora t,i was wondering what all the fuss was about,so took a i hadn't now,i've upset myself,and spent the last 10 minutes convincing mrs dirty its a special effect...just make sure that your private spot isn't an alleyway,if the old bill taps you on the shoulder,you wouldn't be able to turn round with that thing sticking out!!!....
lol your too kind
anyways mission complete (i now have a bald head roflmao)
im stll looking for fun tonight there must be some sexy fem or couple who want a guy to
join them tonight
p.s at the moment im in a meeting and someone has been trying to phone me
its funny trying to listen to a conversation and typing on here as well
if its you (you know who you are im sorry i havent got back to you)
silly me i lost your phone number (gives himself a slap)
any takers
Just to get an idea of scale:
Is that a DVD or Video cover in your pic?? :shock: :shock: :shock: lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
It looks to me like its cover of a game that flapjack boy has got as his avatar
Dirty and Serandipity, guess what, he only lives down the road from me!!!! (Well Manchester is only about 20 miles away). So if I ever happen to see him when we are out and about, I will let you know if it is real or a photo effect! Sure it cant be real! Can it confused:
Half Life is a game Sarge, one of those new fangled things the young folks play with wink bolt
<has he gone yet? :shock: >
Shit! It`s that guy from`s getting bloody dark here again :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Serendipity
Half Life is a game Sarge, one of those new fangled things the young folks play with wink bolt

Glad I didn't ask if it was a Single or an Album !!! :shock: confused :? :? :? :? :? lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Half Life is a game Sarge, one of those new fangled things the young folks play with wink bolt

Glad I didn't ask if it was a Single or an Album !!! :shock: confused :? :? :? :? :? lol :lol: :lol:
Or what speed... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Dirty and Serandipity, guess what, he only lives down the road from me!!!! (Well Manchester is only about 20 miles away). So if I ever happen to see him when we are out and about, I will let you know if it is real or a photo effect! Sure it cant be real! Can it confused:

Do it Mrs N, it sounds even more fun than Big Bob (weapons of seduction thread, long story! lol )
Well, Mr T has been well and truly objectified, turned into sexual plaything by the good ladies (and men) of SH.....our work here is done. Will someone please go to Manchester and give him help with it! :rascal:
the game is halflife and it is in a dvd case SgtBilko
proof ? lol it is 100% genuine......
any fems would like a testride come forth smile
im out soon with my sting in my tail after all i am a scorpio
anyways people hope you all have some good fun tonight
mail me if you require assistance in any deep bore operation,s
hehe MrT cool :arrow: wink
ah,just got in and mr t aint fixed up,ah well,recon he's done his credibility no harm in being up for a laugh with the gang,only a matter of time i guess.......wouldn't recommend mr t going out in the snow anyway,too easy to trace across the carpark,left footprint,right footprint and a helmet dragline down the centre!!.
Current Status (Very Sensative Thalus)
Reason (Deep Bore Operations Mission Succesful)
first of all thanks for last night, again you know who you are
hope you enjoyed it as much as i did smile
Next Customer Please ::
Rest & Recuperation Period :: 1 day roflmao
:arrow: lol
Well Mr T, so very glad you had a fun night and didnt freeze! May be worth taking note of Dirty's comments about the snow. It would be rather embarrasing if the police did find you because of that additional 'trail' in the snow!
And thanks for being a good sport and 'allowing' us to take the piss! But it is a big one lol
Dirty, is Mr T a relative of yours? He also uses bloody big words :lol:
He sounds like a nice fella . Me and Mr Dirty just have to work out how to make Photoshop work in a carpark and we'll be competition .
if mr t is a long lost relative naughtywigan,then certain genetic traits were passed down the family lineage,alas,the use of large words,the only one.....talking of which,i now understand the definition of i say,great news that the big man got his result,i love it when a plan comes together...
If you have a problem and you need help call the A Team lol
btw last nights performance was indoors smile
well im going to have my brekfast at 16:09 lol
:arrow: :idea:
thats wot you call a inverted wart try rubbing it b4 you take a pic
or better still take it back tell the shop you want your money back
hahatoo funny........ lol
im out tonight !!! want to join me for some fun pm me asap
:arrow: wink
Now that is so tempting! Just wish it was a Friday or Saturday night and I would have been very, very tempted (of course it would only be to check out the size of the issue for Serendipity and the rest of the gang!!!!)
Have a good night!
Hi Naughty Wigan Couple...
shame it could of been fun...
bring your tape
i still out tonight and my tongue is looking for an intimate wet spot lol
bloody hell.....if you're ever near b/ham........ wink
All this talk of photoshop got me playing, thought you might like to see the results smile

If any guys want an improved penis just drop me a PM lol
Erm, are these effects permenant? If so can I book a few of us in for some 'adjustments' please!
Mr T, dont you dare book yourself in for any treatment, its bloody big enough already lol