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WARNING - Trouble at Croydon Car Park

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Hi everyone - a completey newbie here. I thught I ought to post a warning regarding yobbos scaring the bejesus out of people at the car parks near the Chinese restaurant south of Croydon (hopefully not too vague...).
I was there the other night at about 1030pm hoping to break my dogging virginity. A few single blokes came and went, and I was just about to leave too when a car came steaming in with headlights on full and four blokes hanging out of the windows screaming that they were the police and I should get out of my car. It didn't need the brains of an archbishop to figure out that this was bad news so I got out of the car park as quickly as I could. However, they followed me onto the main road at top speed and tried to drive me off the road all the way down to the big roundabout near Trinity School where they eventually pulled off leaving one rather shaken but not stirred would-be dogger to drive home thinking maybe this was'nt such a good idea after all!
Anyway, although I didn't get the colour or type of car (I was too busy trying not to crash!) I thought others should be warned that this particular site might not be very healthy to hang around at the moment.
Hmmm... I think someone else reported similar trouble at this location a couple of weeks back. Probably the same yobs. Maybe best avoid it for a while, eh.
Thanks Blue - I had a scroll down previous posts and found the incident you were referring to. It certainly sounds like it was the same group of blokes. I think the location is best avoided unless there are some legitimate punters already in residence. What a shame.....
Has anyone else had trouble at this place? Is there an alternative location in the Croydon/S London area?
Has anyone called the police about them then ? They sound like they may cause an accident .
Well I was seriously tempted to try calling for help as I was driving like a mad thing trying to get away from them, but I thought I needed two hands on the wheel, and then eventually they left me alone. I suppose I should have called the police afterwards, but I was worried about the questions they might want to ask me - why was I there in the first place etc? I suppose this is why idiots like this think they can get away with it. If it ever happens again I definitely will.
The Police take violence and robbery at dogging sites very seriously indeed . If you read the sticky at the top of the page you'll see that they are far more concerned in catching criminals and no marks that frequent the sites than they are in doggers. You have commited no offense , yet ironically if you had been stopped speeding away from them you would most likley have been nicked . Take courage and report it , the next dogger that encounters them may not be as lucky as you were , so you would be doing society a favour getting the assholes collars felt .
Good point Silk - I should have had the sense to report them on the night. Ironically, the thought of being nicked for speeding did pass through my mind at the time.
Having read a few of the warnings on the sticky I see now that maybe I wouldn;t have been in trouble with the rozzers if I had reported them. Also, clearly my experience isn;t exactly unusual and is even quite tame compared with some! Who needs a quiet life anyway?
Hi there, it was I that posted the previous warning, but they do appear to be getting worst. Hopefully the return to school tomorrow will calm them down abit? confused
Yes I reported this too. It has been going on there for months. I have told the police about it when they've questioned my presence there, but without the exact details of the car what can you do?
I've had my windows smashed there by one of them that threw a rock from a sling.
I also had a good dogging experience there last week, but then later got threatened by a dogger who thought he was subsequently entitled to be the only one to dog the couple who had just given me a good display.
I'm not sure it's always the same group. It seems to happen from about 11pm onwards. My advice is enjoy the location earlier on, but not after 11pm.
Anyone have any good suggestions for alternative locations in or just south of south London?