Who said they were dogging?
I heard that too!
Not only that but as the police car pulled away you could see the outline of a guy holding an axe in the back seat of the car and they found him banging on the roof of the car because his girlfriend had gone for petrol as they had ran out , and if they ring you within seven days you are dead ..no wait that wasnt what they told me .but its true .someone I know heard it . It was my cousin .
Yeah....misdirection, the doggers weapon.
Nothing about any arrests for sex crimes on the Hampshire police website....loads of other arrests though.
I guess it goes along with the "arranging meets at sites known to me that don't have pervs about" message
Just as well I'm not so desperate to have sex that I have to resort to lies, misdirection, and telling others that "you don't want to go with that guys, he's got the clap"
(oh by the way, I haven't got the clap)
(got a nice mpeg4 at ********* downs though)
Evenin Jo mate
Nope for all your occasional moans , weve always had the feelin youre a straight up kinda guy . Dont you hate this kinda thing ? I mean if youre gonna tell porkies why bother signing on to a site like this at all ?
Go figure huh ?
Well, I wouldn't say straight-up.
At my age more "slightly elevated from horizontal".........., on a good day.
I tried viagra but all I got was a stiff dick and a splitting headache.
Try telling her you don't want sex because you've got a headache while trying to cover the hard-on up...the bad thing is the stiffie lasts for about 4 hours but the headache lasts for bloody days....sod that, give me impotence, it's less painful !
Oh yeah, back to Miss Direction....doggers slut....I tried it once, sent everyone to a shite site to get rid of them and have a layby to myself...all the couples went to the shite site and left me with a bag of peardrops and a bottle of coke for company.
LOL Pear drops and coke .think of your teeth mate .!!
I did. Think about them that is.
But somebody has to do their "bit" for dentistry.
I was thinking about coronary problems.
What the fuck use is a 75 year old dogger ?
You retire at 65, looking forward to a few years of full-time dogging, and then discover that you can't get your leg over anymore (over fences and gates that is)
Pear drops and coke.
Gets 'em younger all the time.
Sorry then must be our mistake . Please except our apologies , we were just confused why you were saying that here and inviting people there on another board thats all. Nemind .
well to be honest i heard the same thing yest when i was out n about of v reputable souce regardless lakeside isnt that active ive always thought of it as dead site
I never heard it exactly the same , in the version i heard there was a headless horseman and a pidgeon fancier on a tight rope . Is the terms 'reputable dogging source' an oxymoron ?? LOL
Sorry to be a bore but Chrishants posted a reply on the Fort Nelson thread saying publicising location is a bad idea yet here he has done the self same thing!! Come on - don't do what you complain about others doing themselves!
But Lakeside has a great railway during the summer....!!