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We are being watched!

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29 replies
6 watchers
This is a warning of sorts, but I felt it important enough to warrant a separate thread.
We have recieved several reports from varying sources that lead us to believe the Police may be placing photo ads.
All the ads is question where placed by the same person, purporting to be a female in the North of England area, looking for single men to act as drivers for Dogging meets or invitations to watch a Dogging show. When the respondants replied to the ads, the advertiser asked for identifying details such as their residence location, car registration and facial shots. But when the respondant arrived at the pre-arranged time and place, there was no sign of the woman yet within seconds Police arrived.
I feel that the amount of reports we've had amount to more than a coincidence and members should be aware this thing can happens when replying to ads.
There's enough advice about keeping safe when arranging meetings with new people... so just extend that to include the prospect that the Horny, Cock-Hungry Nymphet you think you're meeting could well be our Beloved Constoobilaberry.
Every category of crime - especially violent crime, is on the increase. every category of police detection rates is on the decrease. Do you think the general public is losing confidence in the police service?
This is the quotation that I trot out every time I am involved in any kind of petty policing incident. The last time was on the footy terraces last Autumn, when the police service was "worried that fans may name the accused (whilst chanting) in the London hotel roasting case" . Meanwhile, old ladies were being knocked over and children abducted in the country that my Dad risked his life for.
Soap box moment over!
Sounds like "entrapment" to me.

Well it is... but you turn round and accuse them of that and they turn round and say they were acting on a 'tip off'. Whatever.... We can't prove they are doing it but the warning is there so I done my bit, innit? wink
I think Heather has said it all here, so just saying be careful folks confused . It is especially important that people do not post exact times and locations on the forum. Since we introduced this policy the vast majority of people have supported it 100%, so that is very much appreciated. It's a shame other sites don't do the same thing.
When replying to photo ads, it is very very wise not to give your address to anyone - even if you are arranging to meet at your place only give your address at the very last minute when you are absolutely sure they are genuine. It is even wiser, even if you are going to have sex at your place to meet in a public place first to check them out. As far as arranging an outdoor meet is concerned there is no reason why someone would need your address, so I think that if someone asks for it in these circumstances it is not a genuine replier. Asking for a car reg number is maybe not unusual, perhaps just giving the first letter is wiser than giving the full one though.
One a more positive note, even if the police do "trap" you in this way, you are committing no crime whatsoever simply sitting in a car park, all they can do is ask you to move on. Yeah, it's embarrassing, but not criminal.
rolleyes :roll: :roll: Whatever next :roll: :roll: :roll:
Following the Rachel Nickell case in 1994, I would have thought that the police had learnt a lesson and given up attempting "honeytraps" and other similar scams.
Maybe not. Your advice that people are committing no offence may be generally true for couples, but in light of the new sexual offences act 2003 I suggest it may not be true of single males.
Standing by the side of a car with a couple inside engaged in a sexual act would undoubtably be construed as voyeurism....
Of course, the couple can consent to be watched and the males would be committing no offence in that case, but all the statements and embarrassment would be a bit forbidding.
You may also like to bear in mind that voyeurism and exposure are no longer the "minor" offences they used to be.
Jomu, what you're saying is true, but in the case that Heather describes where police turn up shortly after the guy arrives in the car park hoping to meet the wonderful single fem dogger that he's been chatting to on the internet... she isn't there therefore he just sits there still hoping, and then the police turn up... where's the crime? I think the police are wasting their own time here, maybe they've solved all the violent crime cases on the books and are just trying to amuse themselves now by timewasting on SH dunno
I guess for the embarrassment factor alone it is best not to get nto this sort of situation in the first place though redface
It certainly is entrapment, but that in itself is not illegal.
The only thing to do is ask if they would like to meet at a 'neautral' place beforehand, such as a coffee shop. If they get all cagey, refuse. Also ask to speak to them on the phone, again if they suddenly get all cagey, refuse to have any more to do with them. If someone wants to have sex with you, watch you having sex with others, and have you watching them have sex with others, but refuses a phone call or to meet up away from a dogging location, ask yourself why.
Hi, this may be extreme and its practicality not 100%. Additionally I am not !00% sure of its legality but I take it as common knowledge that if a member of the public is approached by an officer of the law in any way shape or form, be it plain clothed or by phone, email, or any other comunication device, If asked to identifiy themselves they must say they are POLICE. ie. ask them "are you Police?" they must answer yes if they are....
If somebody ask me I would not be offended and politley sa NO.
... Tis all the nature of the best, though, isn't it?
Not knowing if the couple or lady are doggers or not? Not knowing if the guy walking around trying to look all casual is a dogger...?
Part of the magic... yet also part of the frustration.
Whatever your views about the Police, what they can and can't do or say... and we've been through this many times... always be prepared for all eventualities.
Er.... that's all. wink
Some car park in Shropshire are quite often visited by the police after dark in police cars, they sit a while obviously checking car reg. numbers, then they disappear only to return an hour or so later.
agree with Twisted Sister, i have been out in the shropshire car parks and have seen the same cop car doing the regular visits, maybe cheking for kids doing drugs or mayve looking for a little light releif during the 12 hour shift :shock:
Either way i also agree with the comments above by Byron, if they cant even engage in a polite conversation on the phone prior to an arranged meet but they still want you to suck them off, then lets ask the obvious question..............Why?
Well, I assume that nobody on here is thick enough to say when asked, that they are dogging.
Just say you're gay and waiting.
No problem then.
While a single male sitting in a car alone is given a grilling, a single male alone dressed as a woman is ignored after the first look.
I'll take the stocking out of the draw just in case then !
**this is not, nor should it be take or construed or insinuated as, homophobic. Nor should it be taken to be inconsiderate or insulting to either police or anyone of a gay persuasion**
**transvestites are real people as well, and the above comments refer to them also (even if I do have a hard time understanding them)(my fault)
**terms and conditions apply**
(it's a hard life, at my age it just needs a little medical help)
Quote by byron
It certainly is entrapment, but that in itself is not illegal.
The only thing to do is ask if they would like to meet at a 'neautral' place beforehand, such as a coffee shop. If they get all cagey, refuse. Also ask to speak to them on the phone, again if they suddenly get all cagey, refuse to have any more to do with them. If someone wants to have sex with you, watch you having sex with others, and have you watching them have sex with others, but refuses a phone call or to meet up away from a dogging location, ask yourself why.

The sad thing is, some of us like the element of strangers watching. We dont wanna know their names sometimes, or even plan it. Shame really!
Entrapment may not be illegal per-se, but in the past several members of the judiciary have had harsh things to say about it.
In several trials it has lost the crown the case.
Quote by jomu
Just say you're gay and waiting.
No problem then.

You wana bet on it
a single male alone dressed as a woman is ignored after the first look.

Please tell the poilice around here about your thoughts, as that is not the way they think here
Move down here then.
They even stop to have a chat here.
Plus, they wake me up when I drop-off....
We have recieved several reports from varying sources that lead us to believe the Police may be placing photo ads.
All the ads is question where placed by the same person, purporting to be a female in the North of England area, looking for single men to act as drivers for Dogging meets or invitations to watch a Dogging show. When the respondants replied to the ads, the advertiser asked for identifying details such as their residence location, car registration and facial shots. But when the respondant arrived at the pre-arranged time and place, there was no sign of the woman yet within seconds Police arrived.
I see and how many were arrested ??
Last time I looked, it was not an arrestable offence to be parked in a car park.
Likewise, it is not an offence to be walking in a country park at nightime.
As long as you move-on if requested and don't give the law a hard time with a load of lip, then you are not going to be done for anything.
There are some out there who seem to be under the impression that the police should be out "arresting criminals" and not harrassing innocent civilians shagging in car parks.
Well, if they got a bashing in a car park they'd be moaning about "where were the police when you need them, out stopping speeding motorists"
Some people ought to get wised-up...if you ain't been in the game long, let me inform you:
Couples who ad are all too frequently single male dreamers.
The police couldn't care less if you get your brains shagged-out in a car park, as long as they don't get to clean the mess.
Anybody who takes what other people say (text, email, ad) to them at face value without taking some sort of precautions is about two brain cells from extinction.
Carry on.
Quite Mr Mu
I refer the honourable gentleman to the post we made earlier
" Just Interested to know..."
Quote by Silk and Big G
It certainly is entrapment, but that in itself is not illegal.
The only thing to do is ask if they would like to meet at a 'neautral' place beforehand, such as a coffee shop. If they get all cagey, refuse. Also ask to speak to them on the phone, again if they suddenly get all cagey, refuse to have any more to do with them. If someone wants to have sex with you, watch you having sex with others, and have you watching them have sex with others, but refuses a phone call or to meet up away from a dogging location, ask yourself why.

The sad thing is, some of us like the element of strangers watching. We dont wanna know their names sometimes, or even plan it. Shame really!
too ture best reason to go dogging no naff chat up lines and no worries about kicking him out ur flat the next morning lol
I can understand your problem about "kicking them out your flat"
That is a true photo in your profile ?
You've been in my group for a few months.
Might head to Herts soon (as if, too old)(sh*t)
It can never be 100% safe in a remote car park after dark whatever you do, so the only way is to PM your partners and arrange to meet priivately.
The larger majority of dogging couples don't, and won't arrange to meet anyone.
They just "go" to a place for fun and arranging meets is not too much fun. And if you can tell me that arranging to meet someone is any safer than just going to a place and showing, I'd be interested in your logic.
Dogging is mainly a spur-of-the-moment thing, people may plan between themselves but when you start arranging to meet a group at a place and time it becomes more of a social event. Swinging in fact.
In fact, I steer clear of arranged anything.
Quote by jomu
The larger majority of dogging couples don't, and won't arrange to meet just "go" to a place for fun and arranging meets is not too much fun. And if you can tell me that arranging to meet someone is any safer than just going to a place and showing, I'd be interested in your is mainly a spur-of-the-moment thing.

well said that man couldnt agree more!!
I think you have both got it right the fun with dogging is the element of being caught out being seen by strangers and having strangers watch you.
I personally started to "arrange meets" but it was never that successful and if you meet the same couples over and over what is the point, though if anyone in east lancs is offering wink on friday lunchtime just email
As a new member and knowing something about the law on entrapment and inducement, no one has a defence to entrapment when they have committed a "crime" of their own free will.
In this case arranging to meet a female without any inducement than the offer of sex is not entrapment.
However it may amount to an abuse of process by the police. Only way to find out is to get prosecuted and have a good defence solicitor argue the case.
Take care all, big brother is watching you evil
I think that any police operation using entrapment is subject to several constraints.
They may not offer inducement or reward, ie: "if you nick a car for us we'll let you shag Maria over there" or "we'll pay good dosh for nicked computers"
After all, their most famous attempt at entrapment, the use of a female pc to trap Colin Stagg into an admission of murder, backfired BIGtime.
I also think that any attempt to "set-up" people in a car-park-sex sting will also lead to yet more press hilarity.
There are enough crooks out there without the law inventing more crimes to not solve.
MCFC_69, is right !
The only way is to get dragged into court and test where the police stand legaly on this.
Time to worry is when the police start issuing section 60 notices on individuals, as you will have less rights that a terrorist walking around parliment square in London