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Welsh boy racers new sport!

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Well went out last night for a bit of fun & it turned into a complete farce!! 2 Well known locations north of a castle outside Cardiff!!
I recon boy racers & nobbs in the area are communicating & turning dogger bating (harrasing!!) as an evening enterntainment whilst pissing everyone off in the process!!!
One car that I could see pulled up to a guy (fairly well able to look after himself lad in a lexus!) The car that pulled up next to him had a pretty girl wearing very little bf in passanger seat wearing little & 2 dumb ass mates looking like rejects from a nuclear testing lab sat in the back!!! They startied chatting but it was an obvious wind up saying she was horny & shit although the guy was pretty clued up o the crack!!
Think she actually would have enjoyed herself!!! If she werent there with that lot give her a few years & she may start getting a sexual curiosity & intense orgasms rather than hanging round with porch monkeys in the back of their car!!
Later one lad was asking for "a fag" through windows particularly intimidating to older gents! He was using his mobile as a torch yet it was a clear night & well lit!! Usiing to video or take a pic the shit!! But had a shock with someone 6'1" & stocky telling him to take his face away for a shit before it is kicked!!
Sorry to be slightly aggreasive but in this instance following main beams directed at cars,stones thrown etc etc There comes a time to give something back!!
It's amazing by 1am all boy razzers are off to bed !! School in the morning? Soon be time to grow up & join the real world!!
At the end of the night no cpls, no show!! I have some alternate locations so any cpls PM me & I'll let you know!!
Have fun & F**k the razzers lets give em some grief back!!
had this problem with my missus thats why we dont go anymore down there ,they were chucking nails on the road two months ago any suggestions as to where to go most appreciated