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whats all the fuss about

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2 watchers
Ive read the description of dogging on here but I still dont
really understand what people get from it. I live near to Sandwell
Valley and Barr Beacon and over the years have occasionally
visited but all Ive ever seen are single men driving around in
a kind of sad hope something will "happen", asian couples
and old ladies walking their dogs. If anything there seems
to be a gay "thing" going on in Sandwell Valley.
Whats all the fuss about?
If you're not a voyeur or an exhibitionist then explaining the attraction could be difficult! If all you've done is drive around and haven't been lucky enough to see anything then you've missed out........but as you do seem to have been looking, what did you hope to get from it? biggrin
Have a look at this thread for some ideas though
Well I can see what the turn on would be for a couple who
would get a thrill from men driving up and watching them
get it on and then go home and fuck each others brains
out, a kind of foreplay, that makes sense. But sitting in
a car park for hours on end in the hope of something
happening, I cant be doing with that part, and that part
seems to be a big part for a single male.
What did I hope to get out of it?
well I'd prefer to be in the car watching and in the
correct circumstance doing. For sure if you or any
single women turned up at Sandwell Valley you would
get a lot of attention from men, but for a single straight
male well its gonna be boring. Once with a girlfriend
I was at one for the car parks in Sandwell Valley and
we got hit on big time but she wasnt up for it, in fact
we were innocent of what was going on at the time, it
seemed more like harassment. The thread you posted
is interesting. Do you travel far for these experiences?
If you can't be doing with sitting in car parks then you have two choices 1) pre-arranged meetings or 2) give up!
Waiting is part and parcel of dogging unless you pre-arrange, some couples are happy to invite strangers along but a lot will at least want to know you a little through the you're back to waiting!
Personally, I'm not looking for attention as my interest is watching, that's why I never go to really well known sites. I'm not as prolific dogger as I'd like to be, I don't get tons of time for it but no, I've never needed to travel far........some people do though.
Your comment about feeling harassed is interesting and it does put couples off, but if you start playing in a busy location it seems inevitable, maybe those guys also didn't want to be patient lol
Quote by Serendipity
I've never needed to travel far........some people do though.

Lucky you. Its a minimum round trip of 50 miles for me usually 75 by the time Ive driven to all three sites in that area.
Oops the milkman has just driven past outside that means its bedtime.
Harry Jones
I spose its kind of like fishing, some days you won't catch nothing, other days you will really get lucky :twisted:
Just remember, all good things come to those that wait smile
Quote by HarryJones
I've never needed to travel far........some people do though.

Lucky you. Its a minimum round trip of 50 miles for me usually 75 by the time Ive driven to all three sites in that area.
Oops the milkman has just driven past outside that means its bedtime.
Harry Jones
You will never catch up on your beauty sleep Harry if your going to bed that late :!: sad
I've heard tell that he could never catch up on it anyway, That's why he doesn't bother trying :!:
Well Im not English so maybe thats why I dont get it but have the good fortune
to travel all over Europe and parts of the med on business where I meet
people who are equally mystified by English sexuality.
One other little thing, I was introduced to this site by a
person who works in advertising, "The wit is fantastic
we get great ideas" he said. So Serendipity and all the
other lateral thinking, switched on sharp shooting wits,
just remember other people in the media will plagiarise
and turn your thought into £££££ so who's catching up?
So what! Most media people would be equally successful at a career in recycling :twisted:
Quote by Serendipity
So what! Most media people would be equally successful at a career in recycling :twisted:

have to agree as most people in the media are good at recycling bullsh*t anyway biggrin
Quote by tomas
Well Im not English so maybe thats why I dont get it but have the good fortune
to travel all over Europe and parts of the med on business where I meet
people who are equally mystified by English sexuality.

Hiya Tom
Its certainly not a phenomenon of English sexuality . The same practices are at least as wide spread all over France and similar things go on in Japan and the Netherlands - even if they dont use the exact term of dogging . Put basically its about exhibitionism , voyeurism and for real doggers strangers and chance encounters . Those are the key elements . If you cant combine those elements into a feasible fantasy for your self then dogging isnt any good to you . Like any sexual practice or fetish it appeals to some and not others . I would suggest that you have a little more interest than youre letting on , or you wouldnt have gone the extra mile to visit the sites . Patience is a virtue , and anticipation can be a great aphrodisiac