Against my better judgement, I went out last night.
Went down to potters bar to drop a letter into a company (post office ?....yeah)....drove back up the slowterway...decided to wander into a site on the way home....right on top of a hill with a gale blowing and rain nearly horizontal....two just talking, the other just looking....half an hour later, they both went....damn...
Went to another site....three doing the highbeam sidestep with hazrd twizzle, another just hiding behind the seat and the last with a couple in who were as bemused by all the three-point turns as I was....another wash-out.
Decided to do "ole-faithful" on the last lap home.....three with a reputation of sitting with his headlights in your rear-view if he thought you'd been in long problem, turn around and do the same.....the other hadn't quite decided waht to do so did a wander past with dick hanging out...told to **** bored, went to sleep. Woke up to the hallowed tones of "ain't you got a home to go to".........."what are you doing in a dark place like this"....etc etc etc.
Policing used to be pleasant....
Another wasted night.
Moving house and job to Norfolk.
Or retiring from the game.
50/50 really !
Jomu you'll never retire from the game. Bet you were out the next night!! I went out last night and needed the AA to get my car started twice just to get to site, but hey I didn't mind breaking down as long as I got there I've got get you home cover!! See you around.
Well, it's more than being clean and polite...
There are loads of guys about in neat new motors, and suits, and they still get nothing.
More to do with attitude and personality, being clean is a big help, and wandering about in shorts, T shirt and rigger boots is an all-time NO.
Got some new would-be doggers on the patch...nice red motor...but three of them in the thing !
Told one of them they'd little chance with two-up, and none with three....didn't listen...lost three couples because of that...
Gota come down to Norfolk and get some tuition....all this big-town dogging makes a guy rusty....the weather doesn't help...
Anyway, better enlist in this autumns "Dogging and Swinging for Beginners" course at the local uni....
I'll let you know when/if I'll be there again.....since petrol has just gone down to 72.9 here, it may be soon !
My latest gag to get attention is to just go to sleep....everyone has to wake me up....including the counties finest....but I've had a few good nights out of it !
And a quote from page 1 of "The Doggers Guide"
"Cleanliness is next to Dogliness!"
Keep the leathers on though, and it's always a help to have a few chains to hang about yourself when you get on-site.
At least you can pick-up the bondage appreciation peeps....and a few others as well !