just wondered why it is:
you get in touch with sinlge males for dogging fun, or they email you, it takes ages to do all the pic swapping to make sure everyone ok with who they meeting, we turn up at arranged place and time, but the single males DONT!!!!
on friday I emailed 12 single males and after spending loads of time sorting through all emails none of them turned up!!!
fair enough one male couldnt find the place, but i purposly emailed this many as I knew from previous experience that they all wouldnt turn up.
I just cant understand it why waste our time, why not just say:" I cant make it"
"sorry your not for me" "sorry after our emails i have bottled it"
if its single males you are looking for, sometimes its just better to go to a well known doggin site and your bound to be swamp with them.
unforunately this site has gone to pot and we do have a lot of timewasters on our hands.
I know where your coming from Chaotic... This site has been over run recently by non swingers... It's extremely rude not to turn up to a meet.. think there are to many people that agree to meet and then pull out... if people have to cancel for some reason surely they would bother to let the other parties know... Here's hoping that real swingers will overcome the masses of non swingers joining up...
It is a shame. Best of luck though Tina, i hope when someone does decide not to waste your time, that you do enjoy it.
sent u a pm tina .hope to hear from you
Same thing happened to us saturday night hun... but at least he text to cancel :-)
Still the search goes on .... sure there are some single guys on here with the balls to turn up. ;-)
its true.
Speaking as a single male, this sort of thing annoys me as its often so hard to get invited as a single male. More often its the single males people don't want.
Whenever there is an invite, I do my upmost to attend, even to the extent of being asked a few funny questions by our favourite friends in their "flashy cars" lol
If you are ever down in kent, perhaps off on the ferry's or tunnel, give me a pm, i'll cum out. Please don't let a few put you off, us single guys need you. :cry:
I'd also like to stand up in defence of single males; I have been let down by any number of couples and single fems over the past 6 months. I agree that single males have a bad name and would seem to be in short demand but this is unfair.
Some of the couples I know say that they won't normally swing or dog with single men because they are worried they might get attacked or something; I don't want that association made with me! I just want the same as everyone else, but with such negative attatudes towards us what chance have we got. I reackon that most girls take one look at my photo and see a tall powerful bloke that could do them some real harm and ignore me... I sort of understand this logic, because you can't be too safe; but I'm also a little insulted because I'm actually a real nice geniune respectful person, and people passing character judgments on me pisses me off!
I was wondering the other day if there could be a rating system similar to ebay, whereby members could leave feedback on other members based on there ACTUAL experiances; that way you could see at a glance if someone is punctual and not too pushy or a faker or a nutcase... In reality it would be hard to get on the rating system, because no history is the same as a bad history in some peoples eyes, but it could be made to work?
i must speak up i am a single guy and am 100 per cent genuine i will turn up if asked but alas that has not yet happened new to all this i am not a time waster anyway heres hoping
they let you down because theyr`e irresponsible pratts who wouldn`t know a good thing if it bit them on the ass
turning up for a meet demands ACTION...fantasy doesn't..action is reality, fantasy is not..there is no fantasy in reality...
these guys, or couples are often not intentionally timewasters, they are self decievers..they trust their fantasy will become action..action is reality, not fantasy..you get taken in so easilly because they appear, or sound sincere..often they are..they do not arrange to meet for a joke..they THINK they will turn up..they think, to fantasise..the line on a similar thread somewhere..."i even told them what underwear she'd be wearing" what was the context of that remark? did they ask for that information? why did they?
fantasy is terribly unreliable..much of the internet is fantasy..much of the chatroom, any adult chatroom is used for a masterbation fantasy..why are so many people surprised by that? do your arranged meets..but don't ASSUME too much, you'll be very dissapointed.
Tough, get over it.
There are plenty of guys WAITING for you to turn up.
You are arranging things in advance and then expect everyone to turn up at a place they don't know, to meet people they've never met. Note all the warnings going the rounds now, not just for couples.
My opinion about arranged meets, for what it's worth, is that they've as much in common with dogging as shit has to sugar.
Pick a dogging spot, check it out in advance, then wander in for look after dark.......or whatever.
Note: not all guys pm'ing you with their details will have 10 inch dicks, or even look like their photos'..most will be the usual rash of chancers and wankers and some may even be worse than that (they may be press)
This game is like football, some genuine fans mixed with a sprinkling of drunks, dossers, wankers and assholes.
It happens , to couples like us and also when we too play alone, but like has been said further above me, get over it theres plenty of genuine doggers/swingers, single guys girls / and couples around to to more than make up for it.
Just remember the good times youve all had us included, and im sure it out weighs the bad times and dissapointments.
oh that hurt ( n w couple ) sorry sorry but please let me say that when i see an add that i fancy replying to i also like to see what other adds they have posted and if they are what there add says, i meet with a couple about 8 months ago from here and there add said they early 40s, more like 60s but still thay are a very nice couple who i see now and then , smack my bum am a bad boy so sorry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
maybe a e-bay type rating system might weed out no shows and time wasters?????
with just boxes to tick (so no nasty comments could be added)
just a thought