Hello all, first post here following someone saying the following is an example of dogging! (Copied over from another forum!) I know its not an example of dogging and am fairly broad minded (so is the wife), so do you have any better descriptions? My description was that it is a mobile form of swinging, he didnt agree and said all doggers molest animals or were sexually abused as a child! Any help or feedback is gratefully accepted!
Extract from the Yorkshire Evening Post:
"A drunk who claimed he had been ***** by a dog was yesterday jailed for
12 months by a judge. Martin Hoyle, 45, was arrested by police after a
passing motorist and his girlfriend found a Staffordshire bull terrier,
called Badger, having sex with him at the side of a road in
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.
Prosecutor Ben Crosland said the couple had stopped to help because they
thought Hoyle was being attacked by the animal. But when they got closer
they saw that he had his trousers round his ankles, was down on all
fours and the dog was straddling him from behind.
"The defendant mumbled something about the dog having taken a liking to
him," said Mr Crosland. "The couple were extremely offended and sickened
by what they saw." Another passing motorist contacted the police and
Hoyle was arrested as he walked with the dog down the road.
Hoyle, of East view, Marsh, Huddersfield, told police "I can't help it
if the dog took a liking to me. He tried to me."
He repeated the ra pe allegation at the police station and added "The
dog pulled my trousers down." Hoyle, who has had a long-standing alcohol
problem, was jailed for 12 months after he admitted committing an act
which outraged public decency.
His barrister said Hoyle had no memory of the incident because of his
drunken state, but was now very remorseful and incredibly embarrassed.
Jailing him, Judge Alistair McCallum told Hoyle "Never before in my time
at the bar or on the bench have I ever had to deal with somebody who
voluntarily allowed himself to be buggered by a dog on the public
highway. Frankly it is beyond most of our comprehension. It is an
absolutely disgusting thing for members of the public to have to witness."
I am sorry if this is supposed to be serious but I find it funny as hell. I mean "the dog took my trousers down" :giggle:
well in our humble opinion, dogging has been blown out of proportion by a million fold over the last 2 years, and the goalposts have definately been moved.
when we discovered dogging, it was a purely exhibitionist experience for us, and a voyoueristic experience for whoever wanted to watch. the guys would do all they could to discreetly get a peep at the lady in question, sometimes nothing more than a view of stocking top would be enough to drive them wild.
nowadays, people aren't happy with that, probably down to whats been printed in newspapers, but they think the lady is there to entertain them. they complain when not allowed to touch, the more arrogant people have even been downright rude! using comments such as " they are only prickteasers".
well when we took up dogging, thats exactly what it was, prickteasing. the voyours who would stake out spots for months, were very happy to be prickteased. sometimes if all the conditions were right and the lady was in the right mood, they might get a little more than prickteased.
at the end of the day, if you go to any well known dogging spot, there will be a good few there who think whoopie do, free shag, game on! if you don't like the look of the people in the carpark and decide to move to another spot, they will follow you. they will point their headlights at you to see who is in the car, and if you don't perform what they expect of you, you will be labelled allsorts. if that is what you are looking for in a night out dogging then away you go and have fun.
please don't think this is a dig at single men at dogging spots, because it isn't, it's a reflection of what we've experienced over the last couple of years. we have met some wonderful people, both single men and couples. we have had some mindblowing nights. the only t5rouble is, for every mind blowing night, there have been ten disaster nights. it's the chance you take.
we hope giving you the benefit of our experiences helps you out with your shall we/shan't we dillema.
Like the post.. v funny!
oh.. come onnnnn people... have a bit of a laugh and dont be so serious... ok ok .. so its in the wrong forum (should be in cafe).. but did make amusing reading..... he was brave though... i mean... one false move and the dog might have taken a .... ooo.... a .... bite
Read this post with great interest! Me and my other half love a good bit of dogging. That is 'playing' with others watching. Surely action with anyone else outside our relationship is swingin? And to be honest the assumption that they are one and the same gets on my nerves! Call us boring but we wanna get it on with each other, no one else. Just wish that the couples who respond to ads on the 'Dogging' part of this site would get the difference.
Aside from that I have heard from someone who works with Hants Police that the big layby near Winchester is getting a lot of complaints due to idiots beeping horns, execessive flashing of lights, generally attracting a lot of attention and pissing people off. So could receive a bit of attention from the boys in blue soon.
lovin the origional post lmfao
but seeing as I am a newbie I am wondering what the thrill is with "dogging" surely your chosen partner should be able to excite you more than enough in the bedroom or wherever "alone" rather than having other people watch and know this. I know my partner does otherwise I wouldnt be marrying him.
I have heard other rumours about dogging and the rules such as if the interior lights on you can watch and the lights and and the window is open you can join in? Is this true? If so why would people who supposidly love each other and enjoy a good healthy sex life need this sort of thrill to make them happy? Speaking from my opinion it seems that you are unhappy and unfulfilled with your current partner to be seeking out these sort of thrills in such a risky way.
I didnt register to have a go and I am curious as to why you all do this. I am hoping that you can answer my questions.
For me the thrill is that I can satisfy my partner and he me in privacy without the need for things such as this. And no I am not a fridge and I enjoy a healthy sex life and I am not adverce to new ideas and small risks such as having sex outside etc.
Maybe you are all exibisionists and enjoy the fact that other people (men and women) find you sexually attractive?
er am I still on the swinging heaven forum or did I miss something
pw if your so forfilled in your own world then
why were you even looking at this site :!:
btw think you are all sickos I am one on the "boy" racers that ruin this for you because you are all weirdos and obviously do not have an interesting enough life that sex is everything.
You all need to stop and re-evaluate what is important in your lives as I think the fact that you all find this sort of behaviour normal and acceptable extreamly bizarr!
If you are unhappy in a relationship end it and find someone that makes you happy!
You are all only mad because I have touched on a nerve and you all know this.
If you do not want to be open to ridicule I suggest you conduct your activities off public forums and vet people who want to join.
No I am not interested in this sort of thing and I never have been. I dont like driving into a car park to eat my take away or whatever and being confrunted by sights such as this! Puts me off my food.
I await a ban and I dont really care.