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Why so many singles say there turn up for meets ?

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The best one me and Lorraine have heard is that `it`s just me today as the wife is shy and asked me to try you both out and let her know if we were ok` he then had a phone call we think it was from his wife, he said to her he would be late as there was an accident and he was with the police as a wittness. :idea:
We now start our first contact with males by telling them that if they are messing us around we will report them to the site and also if they turn up single or without the MASIVE COCK they said they had for Lorraine they will be promptly sodded off.
Guess what it works aswell. wink :thumbup:
Terry and Lorraine
I am married and do the odd spot of Dogging on Fridays and Sundays when travelling to and from work (wife does not participate). I will turn up if the chance to arrange a meet came about biggrin . But to be honest I get enough of a look at the sites I stop off at as Dirtydoggers could testify to. These guys who don't turn up don't know what they are missing, and as for those who misrepresent themselves I have no time. mad
dont get me wrong
i play with married single got a gf guys
just that im sick of the singles and the guys saying there turn up for meets and they dont no pm no phone no nothing
but i could of give another guy a chance of meeting up thats the point im left gagging lol
jo x
Trust me Jo - If you invited me and I was in teh area I would not let you down!
Thats good to hear Manolishi
pity your not near me then sad
Quote by Manolishi
Trust me Jo - If you invited me and I was in teh area I would not let you down!

Quote by gingerjo-lee
Thats good to hear Manolishi
pity your not near me then sad

Ahh! But he is near me . . . :twisted: wink
all i can say is that i ALWAYS turn up. to be fair most of the people i arrange to meet do as well. perhaps i am just lucky
I am sure I am blushing now! lol
Shame the country is not a bit smaller - everyone could get togther at the same time then! -God could you imagine it - Dont think the New Forest could accomodate us all!!
On a more serious note - I much prefer to be invited somewhere rather than just turn up because you know if you are invited at least you know you are welcome.
Thats enough of my serious side! lol
very active these days in leigh(i wont mention where,but you locals know the place)and if i say i will be there i will most certainly turn best thing about winter dogging is that you only get the dedicated doggers and no boy racers looking for cheap thrills
Tell you what Jo!
Maybe its just the Northern single/married/gf/ guys that dont turn up? I know id turn up should i get the chance!!! - but then im a southerner (seems all the couples live up north and all the single guys live darn sarf!)
well i am a southerner who now lives up north and i /we always turn up
so i`ve just got confused now :doh: dunno
Hi all
I always turn up, just that my night time vision is so appalling I park next to couples including those I have planned to meet, and then dont talk to them as I think it is a single male.
I can't believe chaps can be that bad mannered.
Have fun all.
Harry Jones
so why do so many singles say there turn up ???
ive no idea but theyleave me gagging sad
i must say though we have had a couple of times where they have turned up but been scared to come over.
could be shy i suppose
but it still wastes peoples time.
also had the old message next day trick saying sorry and expecting you to arrange another meet, when you say no they come back with comments like "I did`n`t think you were genuine"
also just had a guy on here advertising a new Dogging place then when i contacted him he sent me some crap about e-mails i had suppose to have sent to his T,V, friend and he is going to publish them on this web site
surely these people shoild be banned from the site????
ive had that to guys just sitting in the car and not cuming over to say its them ive aranged to meet
they they got in touch saying i was to shy to come over can we arange another meet lol
no i want men who will not be SHY and show me a good time
infact 1 of the guys from last mons meet said he was to shy to come over but he had a wank watching what use was that to me ? sad
jo x
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
so come on you southern guys dont be shy we wont eat you honestly well i know one lady that might do tho
(wonder if her lights are still flashing)
im running fast before i get a clout now

And to whom is that remark addressed, as if I didn't know?! :kick:
I told you before Voddy, I only eat them is they ask me to . . . nicely :twisted: wink
Tracy-Jayne (lights well and truly flashing tonight mate :evil2: )
Maybe we should just put this to a test.
As I am on the south coast lets arrange a meet and all those who say they will turn up and dont could go into a sin bin area on this site.
Quote by Manolishi
Maybe we should just put this to a test.
As I am on the south coast lets arrange a meet and all those who say they will turn up and dont could go into a sin bin area on this site.

We cannot name and shame on this site, so this would not be something looked upon favourably. Nor is it practical to arrange a large group dogging session :shock:
Local sites often have more than a passing interest for the local Police and council authorities, so drawing attention to it would not do us any favours confused
Once you get to know a few people locally you will be able to sort the wheat from the chaff. In the meantime, just be patient and I'm sure you'll get lucky one day smile
Quote by Scot
Well i've made 300 mile round trips twice to meet couples off this site, only to find they have not turned up.
I dont mean couples who email to say they cant make it that is fine. One couple text me all the way down, but still never turned up.

:shock: :shock: Good grief! That is just disgusting!
We never need to travel, but have had guys come to us from long distances and there is no way in the world I would let them down.
It would appear that the couples you arranged with were not genuine at all and maybe if you're prepared to travel in future, you should arrange to meet halfway. At least then you won't have so far to go home again sad
ive still not had a pm or txt off the cpl who let us down on mon night there off this site sad
pm them to ask what happened they picked it up but no pm back :(
oh well heres to this yr with more sucess i hope smile
jo and lee x
Quote by gingerjo-lee
ive still not had a pm or txt off the cpl who let us down on mon night there off this site sad
pm them to ask what happened they picked it up but no pm back :(
oh well heres to this yr with more sucess i hope smile
jo and lee x

And the couple in question have been posting and have made comments about the place for the meet, so they are still 'with us'.
Fully agree with everything you have said on this post, and it is not just singles, it is couples as well. The least you can do if you are not going to attend is let the person/s know you wont be attending, if nothing else it is good manners, and we all like to think we have them!
i have sum manners smile
and im very good with mine hehehehe
'cos they are arseholes, men bleat saying they are king stud and can do this and that but when it comes down to it, they wimp out, not all of them of course but the majority of them or they turn up and plague the life out of you with their headlights and bad fashion. I say this because i know because i was a couple once and went dogging and saw it all for myself (my doctor told me that i am a single now!) you know what i mean.
I guarantee if i say i will turn up, i will and have never renaged on an arrangement, i have seen myself drive 20 miles to watch a couple, only for them to not turn up, doh! that means some couples dont turn up either, godamn you cant win. Anyone wants a man who will turn up, let me know.
A chance'd be a fine thing!! sad
Well, we've been on the other end of the stick. We're a couple and a few months ago tried to get another couple to come along and watch us.....swapped phone numbers and everything.
They never even turned up.....because of the weather! We didn't want to get involved with them, just wanted then to watch us and us watch them!
After that, we tried again with a single bloke and he tried to get into the car! Pulled on the door handle and everything. Not good.
Since then we've been a bit more cautious, hence why we don't post here very often.
But after saying that, we have been to a few places in Shropshire which have resulted in a few (and I mean a few) fun times. So don't give up hope smile
Sadly we too were let down last night by a couple who'd accepted an invite to meet and who just didn't show. Surely they could have sent a very quick PM to let us know???? Manners and all. mad
Our first outing of the year and only really our second planned one and we were overwhelmed with response and had to turn down quite a few acceptances because we didn't want to be swamped. redface
Thankfully a cpl of single guys turned up who we'd invited and I hope they were pleased with the show and what they got..... I just think if you accept an invite or ask to be included you should let peple know if you change your mind.... We all have a sudden case of nerves or whatever and it would not have been a problem but if they'd been the only ones we'd included to help our own nerves we'd have had a lonely night..... We'll I'd have still had a great night but y'know what I mean lol :lol: :lol:
hi there
ive named and shamed on this site b4 think we should have a sticky on here name and shaming people,
mind u i dont think that would work cause of the rows between everyone lol
needs to get out doggin ive not been this yr lol
cya soon jo xx