dont get me wrong
i play with married single got a gf guys
just that im sick of the singles and the guys saying there turn up for meets and they dont no pm no phone no nothing
but i could of give another guy a chance of meeting up thats the point im left gagging lol
jo x
Trust me Jo - If you invited me and I was in teh area I would not let you down!
all i can say is that i ALWAYS turn up. to be fair most of the people i arrange to meet do as well. perhaps i am just lucky
I am sure I am blushing now! lol
Shame the country is not a bit smaller - everyone could get togther at the same time then! -God could you imagine it - Dont think the New Forest could accomodate us all!!
On a more serious note - I much prefer to be invited somewhere rather than just turn up because you know if you are invited at least you know you are welcome.
Thats enough of my serious side! lol
very active these days in leigh(i wont mention where,but you locals know the place)and if i say i will be there i will most certainly turn best thing about winter dogging is that you only get the dedicated doggers and no boy racers looking for cheap thrills
Tell you what Jo!
Maybe its just the Northern single/married/gf/ guys that dont turn up? I know id turn up should i get the chance!!! - but then im a southerner (seems all the couples live up north and all the single guys live darn sarf!)
Hi all
I always turn up, just that my night time vision is so appalling I park next to couples including those I have planned to meet, and then dont talk to them as I think it is a single male.
I can't believe chaps can be that bad mannered.
Have fun all.
Harry Jones
i must say though we have had a couple of times where they have turned up but been scared to come over.
could be shy i suppose
but it still wastes peoples time.
also had the old message next day trick saying sorry and expecting you to arrange another meet, when you say no they come back with comments like "I did`n`t think you were genuine"
also just had a guy on here advertising a new Dogging place then when i contacted him he sent me some crap about e-mails i had suppose to have sent to his T,V, friend and he is going to publish them on this web site
surely these people shoild be banned from the site????
Maybe we should just put this to a test.
As I am on the south coast lets arrange a meet and all those who say they will turn up and dont could go into a sin bin area on this site.
'cos they are arseholes, men bleat saying they are king stud and can do this and that but when it comes down to it, they wimp out, not all of them of course but the majority of them or they turn up and plague the life out of you with their headlights and bad fashion. I say this because i know because i was a couple once and went dogging and saw it all for myself (my doctor told me that i am a single now!) you know what i mean.
I guarantee if i say i will turn up, i will and have never renaged on an arrangement, i have seen myself drive 20 miles to watch a couple, only for them to not turn up, doh! that means some couples dont turn up either, godamn you cant win. Anyone wants a man who will turn up, let me know.
hi there
ive named and shamed on this site b4 think we should have a sticky on here name and shaming people,
mind u i dont think that would work cause of the rows between everyone lol
needs to get out doggin ive not been this yr lol
cya soon jo xx