First time for a long time and the last, pulled up at the well known sight, just going dark and within seconds a car either side, not a bloody clue so alas we were out of there, stick to the spots were people know what they are doing
Some have no idea at all. If you would enjoy a discreet meet locally please let me know. Call me old fashioned but at least I have some manners. I tend to avoid the well known locations for the same reasons. Behaviour like this can only be off-putting and intimidating for cpls.
Don't be put off - there are people who will be intimidating at some sites - not always on purpose... they know no better.
I am an experienced dogger - been doing it for years.... so no headlights shining in windows, intimidating close up parking or other things which just cause cpls to move on.
If you want to know more discrete locations local to you drop me a mail.
I also know public areas which are discrete for 1-1 or 1-many meets.
Echo the replies on here,dissapoints rather than maddens me but anyway if you need some genuine guys I guess we might be okay.
Paul x
We had the same up in L***h a few months back, full of kids...not been back out since.