Are any of the locations listed actually active? Wife and I have tried them with no result- no activity. Any active doggers please let us know.
I am also local, camberley and wondering the same thing! perhaps you could let me know next time you go out?
i went to A******w Court a few years ago with my gf for some outdoor fun. It was summer, quite late and pitch dark and we had a good time together...alone(if that makes sense)
we went back again a few weeks later and again enjoyed ourselves, as we walked down the path to the car park a car pulled in, we got in our car and drove off. It was only then i found out it was a potential dogging spot having seen it listed on a site. That convinced my gf that we shouldn't go back there....which was a shame as we had really enjoyed ourselves
point of my story is that you can have fun there...but whether it is a true dogging location is not proven. Lots of cars during daytimes, which suggests to me that people are walking their dogs. Not noticed any cars there when I've driven past later in the day, but can be hard to see into the car park when its dark - and the car park is overloked from the road when it is lighter so probably not a great dogging spot all things considered...but the park benches in the middle of the trees are a fairly user friendly height
hope this helps
I too have had fun here with my GF, also on the benches, however you are right with regard to the road, best time is late at night, but we have found other places locally for fun daytimes and early evening also, i would say there are 5/6 places to go within 3 miles of here, so good hunting !!!