As I was going past there today thought I might stop off and have a look!, Only to be confronted by four huge concrete barriers! Whats going on?
Mods Edit - location removed, please read our policy on posting exact locations, then read the message below and maybe you will realise why we dont allow these on the open forums
What's going on is that the place got ruined by knob heads that can't be bothered to read site rules and post explicit locations in posts on sites like this!
So then ten thousand would be doggers decend.
Then they start to wave their knobs at all and sundry
Then the locals or some of the "all and sundry" complain
Then the car park gets shutwith concrete barriers
Easy really isn't it!
we used to use the carpark in question.. (got there before the enforced edit)..pretty much as snerts says got pretty blatant, although in this particular case,it was the gay fellas that were being less than discrete..a walk in the woods there was to be running the gauntlet :shock: if you stumbled and fell, you'd have to resign yourself to your fate, for a debagging and rectal destruction would be inevitable :cry:
swingingheaven is moderated, and has rules regarding disclosure..not so elsewhere.;couples did use we did..unfortunately there are always the terminally hard of thinking willing to shout it from the rooftops in exchange for the fleeting feeling that "being in the know" provides.
I cant see a problem in mentioning an area but please people leave the specific places/car parks for pms
and yes mentioning specific places on the forum/internet does atract alot of people and by that I dont mean just doggers!!
It was minus 3 when I packed it in.....totally dead, more life in a cemetary.
The only couples out now are the police trying to catch doggers.
The cold drives the knobheads home to a warm bed and leaves the genuine doggers fre to enjoy themselves.
We'll go along with that, we've had the majority of our 'good' nights in inclement weather - look at our pics, it's snowing in some of them!
All the knobheads stay by the fire with wifey, while the 'hard core' doggers make a trip out worthwhile.
Well for me this fourm has really gone to the dogs, Ask a simple question and get jumped on,Is it a ploy to make us "oldies" pay up? Just a thought!, Well anyway I'll keep me (and my locatoins ) to my self from now on, And yes the gay sites really are the best places to find out any information, Look up "Shooting ones self in the foot" on Google.......... LOL!
Untill now I've resisted getting involved in this post since my original reply as everyone seemed to be covering the points quite admirably without me, but now you've had a go at site management and I cannot let that go without response.
Has this forum gone to the dogs?
Good question, I once thought it had gone completely but of late it seems to be better again!
You didn't "just" ask a simple question you broke the site rules.
So maybe the site has gained some concrete blocks at the moment, so what!
They can and often do get removed after all the menace caused by people posting locations has died down.
Not much chance of that though if it's getting mentioned in open posts!
How you can work out that this is some sort of ploy to get "us oldies" to pay up I cannot understand, especially since I'm one of them and have never had any pressure of any sort to pay up.
In fact all that I have received is the same as anyone else that carried over. which is an assurance that we won't be forced to payup for a continuing period beyond the original agreement!
Doggers will recieve a welcome up here in the frozen north much like they do anywhere but people that "shoot themselves in the foot" by ignoring rules and local customs will for some strange reason not find themselves so welcome. I can't work out quite why!
I for one have been active in locations around the country from Norfolk to Cornwall to Scotland and even in Ireland and have not got into the sort of problems that you seem determined to on here.
I have on occasions sent pm's to members in the areas asking for advice on where to go and found them most helpful. It's a case of treating the game with a bit of respect and a modicum of common sense combined with the patience of Job, but it gets results.
What sort of results do things like your last post get?