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Your "last" Couples Only Experience

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I saw this a minute ago...
Quote by cpl?wmids?23
any west mids cpls nr kidderminster thinking of going out tonight? any cpls or bi fems fancy meetin up? seeking to watch and to be watched and maybe full swap, or mff fun. neway send us a pm if interested. thanks

It got me wondering, when was the last time that i saw a "couples-only" scene on a car park. Where I go, I don't think that two couples would be left alone for long enough to do anything before someone ( the Truck Drivers Light Infantry on their patrols, or a gang of yoofs in a hot hatch or some other newbie "dogger" who doesn't take "no" for an answer and can't "read" a scene) disturbs them.
What was the last time anyone here was either a couple who enjoyed a 2-couple meet, or a guy who was on a car park where the doggers left the couples on their own?
Gotta admit, I'm fiinding it hard to think of the last time it happened in my area...
hi partyman, our excursion last saturday was a very interesting one..we did visit what we term the "crazy" site lol which was eventfull in itself..kinda enthusiastic you might say, which is cool..but then its also fair to say, we don't really get the hassle with boy racers that seems so endemic at some of the more popular sites around the country.
no, the experience was interesting for this reason..we were followed by several cars, one of which was "2 up", but instead of driving to the other established site, we drove down a forest track..this had the effect of wrong footing the guys, who, maybe not surprisingly, wouldn't approach our vehicle until we'd put the interior light on :lol: something we don't like to do, or even had to resort to in that area previously :lol:
the established venues have an air of assumption about them, to the extent that families, or single girls looking to make a phone call, have a wee or expidite a vomit expulsion from a travel weary child are pounced upon with the same zest that bona fide dogging couples are greeted with..take those same fellas out of their element, and its a whole new ball game, most of the time :lol:
bloody hell, just re read your post partyman, and i see i was way off topic lol sorry about that :lol:
my personal view of couples for couples only though, is if they don't want the guys around them, go elsewhere..i can never understand that private swing thing in public carparks full of doggers..poor guys, waiting all night for action, then a bit of girl on girl turns up, and the fellas get told to piss off..thats just crazy.
Quote by dirtydoggers
then a bit of girl on girl turns up, and the fellas get told to piss off..thats just crazy.

And ignored !
Miss a few hundred yards away and then assume the snake position and slither back...
we went to our local haunt and found a couple who were new to the scene and having fun, we were the only ones in the car park, we did meet up again and had some fun with some single guys joining in, in fact we are hoping for some more of the same on saturday night!!!!
i must point out tho that we have been dogging for 3 years and this has only happened a handfull of times( just 2 coulples)
Quote by jomu
then a bit of girl on girl turns up, and the fellas get told to piss off..thats just crazy.

And ignored !
Miss a few hundred yards away and then assume the snake position and slither back...
too right jomu, and i'd be right there with you..except my "snake" posture would be more boa constrictor lol
All faith in doggers restored after last night. We had one of our best nights out last night, met another couple and the three guys that were there left plenty of time for us to get to know one another. It was just like the old days smile
If you were that couple we met between northampton and MK in the forest then we'd love you to get in touch and maybe meet up again. Thanks