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13 kids in care, no.14 on the it right?

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Quote by kentswingers777
Nola....I notice thankfully that it was none of my posts that were ammended.
I am fully aware from past experiences that admin can change anything they like when they like.
It is called keeping your options open and we use it all the time at work in our tiny small print at the bottom of our invoices. lol
Ok I think this woman is a lovely person, and really cannot see why her kids were taken away at all.
A great example of Motherhood that we should all follow. wink

Kent, please don't try and be funny.
Your posts were not amended or even commented on. I am not asking people to stop debating the issue, merely suggesting that while doing so, they try and keep things decent.
Quote by noladreams
Nola....I notice thankfully that it was none of my posts that were ammended.
I am fully aware from past experiences that admin can change anything they like when they like.
It is called keeping your options open and we use it all the time at work in our tiny small print at the bottom of our invoices. lol
Ok I think this woman is a lovely person, and really cannot see why her kids were taken away at all.
A great example of Motherhood that we should all follow. wink

Kent, please don't try and be funny.
Your posts were not amended or even commented on. I am not asking people to stop debating the issue, merely suggesting that while doing so, they try and keep things decent.
Sorry Nola I was just trying to bring a bit of humour....blimey I am usually asscociated with Alf Garnet. :shock: Can't do right from wrong. :upset:
I am always decent btw, unless mrs777 wants me to be otherwise. :wink:
Your OK 777 lots of people who read the forums appreciate your contributions whether good or bad. At the very least you bring about debate and that's good. You have a voice that has a right to be heard, and that others, not all of course, appreciate and applaud.
not long ago in chat we were talking about the forum and you were the guy most people would like to go for a drink with. Mind you unfortunatly when it came down to the discussion on who would people most want to shag ....well it wasn't you biggrin it was a lady forumite surprise surprise :D
OK so maybe the chatrooms, it could be argued, do not usually present people with high - brow debate and intellectual discourse. What it does do though is have people from all walks of life in it and the fact that they'd take a drink with you is testament enough.
Your a decent guy alright. Maybe your politics are a little right of centre for me but your an irresistable read.
Blimey sounds like hero worship - honestly its not I just think every now and then its good to big up the deserving. Big you up 777
Awwwwww..........thankyou Losty.
Obviously with my views on this particular forum my views do not carry a lot of favour, on others they do. Horses for courses I suppose.
The thing I find strange Losty is why so many people are scared to voice an opinion on anything that could lean against being branded, racist or anti gay or anti ageist etc etc.
By saying things like I do does not mean I am racist, in fact that is the one comment that makes me laugh because people who know me well, would say I am so far away from that. Still I know what I am as do others that know me, and peoples opinions of me on here, really do not bother me and I take most of it on the chin.
Maybe my own dealings with Social services lefties have clouded my judgement on some things, as the ones I have dealt with are the very people and their views I detest, and blame their views on so many of this countries current problems.
I am glad Losty that you like reading my posts as I know a lot of other people do, and have said before about how many pm's I have received from some members that others would not believe supported particular people I nearly fell off me chair. lol
This Mother typifies Britain in the 21st century. A Mother who does not give a toss about her kids only her own selfish lifestyle. Like so many others on the benefit gravy train, as long as she has her fags and some drink and does not have to get up to go to work and can collect her money everyweek for free, then she is happy.
The welfare system was never intended to become a lifestyle choice, but that is what it is to hundreds of thousands of lazy shirkers, who will not work.
This particular Mother is in the same bracket as the baby p's Mother. Unfortunatly this kind of person is coming to a street near you, if they are not already there.
The lazy, the irresponsible and the ferel. Get hold of the benefit system and give it a damn good shake up, and kick these lazy buggers out to work and contribute to society, instead of sponging off the rest of us.
Have a nice day Losty mate.
This is changing the subject of the thread somewhat, but the comment about "feral youths" often come up.
These days, one of the big issues facing society is gangs with guns & knives - if these lads reckon they're so "well 'ard" - why not stick them in the army so they can prove themselves against the Taleban ? This may sound like an off the cuff comment - but bear in mind that the French Foreign Legion are traditionally comprised of ex criminals and they are reckoned to be one of the world's finest fighting forces....
I personally think the youths of today are not any worse than the disaffected youths of yester year really. Maybe the fact that they are given more media (who really do have a lot to answer for in my book) attention, and possibly more disposable income, compared to previous generations, maybe helping in some way to give them more of a particular identity.
because of the harshness we can see that history dealt out to all society, not just a few, we feel that we have to use that as a yard stick in which to measure how the present and the future treat us. In some way this is fair i guess though the world is a very different place.
In a way we have less confidence and the traditional values we have held are not there to fall back on because of the changes that have and are taking place in the world. The youth are more educated and worldly wise than ever before with more to take in. This makes nothing any eaier for them. They are being hammered from the older generations into going into a future clouded in mist that the previous generations maybe didn't have so clouded.
Though at the moment we all of us here maybe living in some sort of security and a level of comfort unheard of in history for the majority. None of us know what is going to occur in the next few years. With previous generations you could say they had similar worries regarding maybe war or famine and the bare fact of their own personal survival.
Today all that is drummed into us is that the world we are in cannot and will not sustain us. Within a few years there will be less and less work for people to do, in some estimates, unsustainable population growths to a world population of nine billion in the next 75 years, food shortages will ravage the western world as well as the developing and third world nations, fossil fuels will run out the Earth will lie bleeding and dying. Never before have a generation been asked to look towards such a bleak future.
How then is it a surprise that the youth who see things in black and white in the main, supposed to feel? And after all that they are going to be left with the job of trying to make all this work and just to compound all this they are going to have look after all of us in our dribbling dotage.
Cor blimey what a ramble. cant you tell its National miserable Tuesday today.
Oh yeah and have you lkooked outside? Yep its bloody raining.
Getting back to the topic. Many years ago the school where I taught had a similar family. We had twin boys admitted into reception who were something like number 11 and 12 in a family where all the other children had been taken into care, as these 2 also had. It was a nightmare having these children in class as they were disruptive, boisterous and totally untrained like puppy rotweilers. They invariably arrived by taxi late from their care home so having settled a class of 4 year olds down for the day we were faced with the door being flung open and bursting through full of exhuberance and enthusiasm was child X shouting "I'm here!!!!" From there on in the day invariably deteriorated to the point of exhaustion in the staff but not so the boys who went off at the end of the day still cheerfully shouting and bouncing. All I can say is thank god we had 2 form entry at the school so they were at least split between 2 classes.
These boys were not intellectually orientated and I dread to think what they are like now as they would be adults. All I know is that I felt a failure for not being able to start them on a reasonable education for their life and that the rest of that class had a pretty bad and disrupted year.
Quote by buckingfabe
Getting back to the topic. Many years ago the school where I taught had a similar family. We had twin boys admitted into reception who were something like number 11 and 12 in a family where all the other children had been taken into care, as these 2 also had. It was a nightmare having these children in class as they were disruptive, boisterous and totally untrained like puppy rotweilers. They invariably arrived by taxi late from their care home so having settled a class of 4 year olds down for the day we were faced with the door being flung open and bursting through full of exhuberance and enthusiasm was child X shouting "I'm here!!!!" From there on in the day invariably deteriorated to the point of exhaustion in the staff but not so the boys who went off at the end of the day still cheerfully shouting and bouncing. All I can say is thank god we had 2 form entry at the school so they were at least split between 2 classes.
These boys were not intellectually orientated and I dread to think what they are like now as they would be adults. All I know is that I felt a failure for not being able to start them on a reasonable education for their life and that the rest of that class had a pretty bad and disrupted year.

Why did you feal a failure? :shock:
You cannot teach kids that do not want to learn. You end up spending so much time on the few ferel toads, that the remainder of the class gets much less time. Then it is those children that suffer. The ferel toads will always suffer because there is usually no hope for them, and they leave school with no hope and no job and no future.
That is not a teachers fault. If a child runs riot in class the school should be able to do something about it, so that the majority of kids do not suffer because of it.
Sometimes as the saying goes " it only takes one bad apple ", and how true that saying is.