Quote by deancannock
About 911
only three steel structures in history have fallen due to fires and they fell on September 11th, now that is 1 hell of a coincidence.
Maybe the coincidence is the fact that 2 of them are the only steel structures of that type to have been hit ( as far as I'm aware) by airliners fully laden with aviation fuel and the third was in very close proximity?
aviation fuel burned off straight away as everyone seen in a great fireball.
To melt the steel in the towers would have needed a temp far exceeding the fireball and sustained for quite some time
I looked at video....interesting.....till I then clicked on the video below it....which explains it fully
maybe i should claim the $10,000 offered in the first video
One theory down..............next please.
It is good when you give the answer to your own question in the same link.