Perhaps just once, the EU should remember that without the stance of the United Kingdom there would be NO europe let alone a european community.
Britain stood alone just long enough for other Nations to survive, true many of them Poles, Canadians, French, Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian, American, Indian and a host of other Nations came to help us, but if Britain had surrendered along with the rest of them there would have been no place for the rest to stand.
Germany would have had only one front brought about with the invasion of Russia, the resources used to keep the British at bay would have given Germany the early win that they needed in their Russian campaign, The US would have had enough on their plate with Japan, the only reason they fought the Germans was because they were supplying the Japanese with military equipment and knowledge.
The US was too far from europe to fight the Germans effectively without the British Isles as a base.
We could not have defeated the German Military machine alone but without our resiliance and stand the rest of Europe could not have hoped to counter attack.
Sometimes you have to make a stand to survive.
No GnV we were not invaded by anyone as the English Channel saw to that. We was at war of course with Germany and whilst GnV we cannot say what it would be like now had we of lost the war, what I think most rational people would agree with is that it we would not have the same freedoms that we are afforded across Europe now.
What we do know is the extermination of the Jews and homosexuals would have continued and if anything increased right throughout Europe. The Germans would have remained on course to perfect the perfect German in any fashion it felt right had they of won the war. Without a doubt millions more people would have perished. Polish and Russians in their millions would have been exterminated, concentration camps would have been set up throughout Europe if Germany were allowed to continued unabated.
Nothing in life is certain GnV but some things do not take a great deal of working out. Europe could now well be known as the Federal Republic of Germany.
Well thanks and I do believe what I said, but I also believe France made the right decision to capitulate, Blitzkreig was a brilliant tactic, Germany vision in the use of the newly available modern machinery was inspiring, France could not have stood up to them the way the British could, armoured brigades don't do so well in the English Channel, Belgium, Holland same situation.
The Germans could not use Blitzkreig tactics against our island, as we all know, first they had to have air superiority and although they could have achieved this the swtich to bombing London instead of taking out our air defence capabilities prevented them doing so and gave the RAF the chance to hit them hard and build up the numbers and bomber force they needed to hit back.
Hitler believing we were beaten, that we would soon peace terms and not really being interested in occupying the United Kingdom at that time turned his attention to Russia to get control of the vital oil and other resources he needed.
If France had fought on France would have been destroyed but more importantly hundreds of thousands would have died fighting a losing battle.
I just wish our own Government and Military planners had not put the BEF in France so that we didn't lose hundreds of thousands of men and much needed equipment going down with them.
But it still remains that with or without a choice of surrender, France and the rest of Europe only exist today because we were in a geographical position and the bad desicions by Goering and Hitler that allowed us to resist the onslaught long enough to put ourselves in a position from which we could attack the enemy. That and the British mentality that doesn't accept defeat, from the man on the street through our armed forces to the King of England, an attitude that always prevailed and does today.
The Channel Islands, yes.
And, just for star's benefit in case his reading glasses still need replacement... An extract
"British troops were pulled out of the islands, which were given an open town status."
So then star, not only the French capitulated but, it seems, good old blighty abandoned one of its most important protectorates to the Germans.
If we didnt get the code machine and book from the U boat and know what they were upto we were cooked
If we didnt get radar first and before the battle of britain which was the precursor for the invasion as Hitler wanted Air Superiority first .. MR Goering massive fail thankfully.
We still rely on US foreign policy now. They still use the land we gave them for kit now. So a few lucky breaks i think or we would have been rolled over quicker than the French ran away.
How did Abu Qatada turn here into WW2 and the attempted invasion then. Even for here thats one major tangent surely lol
Like the posts in here earlier though, if we had made Hitler go away after the 1st world war quietly. No WW2 or holocaust and Guernsey wouldnt have been invaded after a tactical retreat to lull the enemy into the trap lol .. We never retreat or pull out in battle .. its just not British to do.
But a good example for the tree hugging human right among us here. Take out one man quietly to save jeeeez no idea how many both forces and civilians during the 2nd WW. How could you not accept that every time. For the greater good .. and Queen and country.
Last WWII post on here for me and I am going to open a thread on WWII because I think for many it is a very interesting subject to discuss but it is wrong to hijack this thread with it.
So, Jersey and the Channel Islands, we do retreat, we did it right through Burma and to Dunkirk in France and other areas of the far east we did it many times in Africa, we retreated, regrouped attacked again, sometime forced back again and attacked again, each time we took what had been take from us, the enemy could not be stopped and we retreated.
The Channel Islands were a strategic withdrawal in that we decided the could not be defended at an appropriate human cost, we offered to evacuate every single inhabitant and not surprisingly most stayed though some did leave. Unlike in retreat not a single shot had been fired at us in the Channel Islands before we left them.
If we had not got the enigma machine ?
If we had not done this or that ?
If the Germans had not made catastrophic mistakes ?
All irrelevant, history is full of if's n buts, if Hitlers German enemies had succeeded in their assasination of him (what was it 11 attempts) ?
If they hadn't switched bombing airfields and gone for London ?
If the French had installed maginot line to guard against an attack through Belgium (the Germans had already used that tactic in WWI ?
job done.