Quote by Trahern
Here, this is the kind of crap that bugs me. If the Powers That Be are going to send people off to risk life and limb (and sanity), for good reasons or not, the least they can do is make sure nothing goes wrong at their end.
Isn't the enemy already trying to kill us hard enough?
Sometimes it seems that way.
In Iraq people were " led " to believe he had WMD. He hindered the weapons inspectors at every opportunity. He deliberatly played the game, where by obstructing them, that he had something to hide. We all know he was playing a game, which he ended up being the biggest loser. Had he of co-operated the invasion would probably never have taken place.
He at times treated NATO like idiots, but he ended up not laughing but swinging.
As for Afganistan there WERE and still are training camps in operation. Those training camps were teaching the Taliban to kill people, and to train them to bomb the west.
IF we all want peace and security in this country, fear from being blown to bits on a bus or a train, then those camps and the men that are there, must be defeated.
Anyone who thinks differently then look at footage of 9/11 where people are jumping to their deaths, or the victims of that bus bomb where bits of people were splattered hundreds of yards into walls. Or the people who suffered so terribly on the underground trains. Can you imagine that fear?
Or the Bali bombings or the Madrid bombings.
All terrible acts of violence by these people whose only aims are to destroy our own way of life. If we do not stop them how long before the next bomb? How long before a another group of "British" extremists walk out of their front doors, with explosives attatched to their backs, ready to kill innocents just for " their cause ". Whatever that is.
Not only do we have the enemy in Afganistan but more worrying than that, is people born and bred in the UK, who want to kill us. So much for tolerance.
This war has to be won both here and in Afganistan, if we are ever to have peace and security in our lives. If that is not achievable then bring our troops home. Take the chains off of our troops and let them do the " job " they are trained to do. Without hinderance from the Human rights brigade. In war casualties are inevitable and that includes civilians. Stop pussyfooting around and go there with a rod of iron, and finish it.
With equipment that is not up to the job, and helicopters that do not work properly, is it any wonder our troops are struggling. If this Government really want to see our troops from being killed, then give them the right and proper tools for the job. No rules no arguements. Go in hard with no restrictions, and see how quick this war could be won.
It is like anyone of us trying to fight Mike Tyson blindfolded. Yes you may land one punch before he knocks ya head off.