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Alien Abduction

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Do you believe it happens ? believe it never happens ? waiting for proof that you would accept to determine the answer either way ? :confused:
A lot of people believe that statues and drawings from caves to temples of the past are actually drawings of aliens, even Angels and Gargoyles are by some believed to be constructed/painted in the image of those that have visited us. :small-print:
Or are they just the human imagination at work, what will people say in 3 thousand years if records of this time are lost but a few scraps or statues survive, will they believe that the superman magazines are a true documentation of life on earth that he was here ? will they believe that some of our statues are evidence of strange space ships or alien people who visited earth ? :borg:
Many alien encounter believers say that aliens watched over the earth and it's population back then, over the Incas and the Egyptians, why did they stop, or why did they then change tactics and become secret in their visits. dunno
Why are the Greys after hundreds of years of abuctions still abducting people for experimentation, they travel for 1 million of years (at our known speed of travel) to get to us, someone with the technology to overcome that distance surely doesn't take hundreds of years to work out how the human being ticks 69position
Of course many sighting can be explained, some cannot be explained but that doesn't mean there isn't an earthly explanation we do not know yet. :censored:
Some who have been abducted are attention seekers, some believe their experience to be 100% real, some are just simply nutcases, some are having affairs with aliens (and his wife is none to happy about that).
What makes you a target for alien abduction, the common denominator seems to be that you need to be American, more americans are abducted by a considerable number than anywhere else in the reported world, and if your from the deep south your even more of a target, but once they have abducted and examined it's not over, many say they have been abducted more than 20 times by the same aliens.
We do know from the reports that aliens do not speak English, American, Chinese or whatever because they never speak, they do use telethapy in the right language though.
To believers there are no myths in our history, Genies, Angels Gargoyles, Dragons, Sasquatch, Nessie, the Abonimal snowman, they did exist but they were actually the forms that various aliens took or are, though the most common format for aliens are known as the Greys (the ones that Area 57 and Roswell spawned, or as seen on Stargate (Thor))
Could it be a human trait that makes some believe that ancient people could not have built the Pyramids or other structures because the mathematics were too complicated for the time.
There are certainly many unknown origins of phenomena, the undersea pyramids around the world, the crystal skulls, the pattern of planets a million light years from earth that was first drawn by an abductee 50 years ago and only discovered recently to actually exist, (could it be feasable that if you draw 20 planets somewhere in the universe they would match a pattern of stars that does exist but not yet seen)
Any firm believers out there want to comment ......... or is it just all hot air (balloons)
you mean
Quote by Ste-n-Kez
We do Mids lol . By the way, we always enjoy your posts guys xx

ffs should get out more innocent bolt
Quote by lilnfil
We do Mids lol . By the way, we always enjoy your posts guys xx

ffs should get out more innocent bolt
GIGGLES :evil2:
The truth is out there...
Would readers please not Samson are only showing another excuse for people not turning up for meets and the alien ship has nothing to do with this thread:thrilled:
its amazing to think that these ultra intelligent beings travel space with all is pit falls at more than the speed of light
only to abduct what seems to be the very thickest or weirdest misfits our planet has available :huh:
Hahaaaaa, but you fail to understand the cunning of yer alien mind Rob. When you're submitting your subject to the old anal probing you don't really care what they've got in the cranial department, do you? You only care that when they're dropped off half-naked and hemorrhaging from a prolapsed rectum outside an all-night service station they are dismissed as complete bleedin' fruitloops when they start banging on about UFOs and shit. Devious buggers yer reptilian shapeshifters so they are, oh yeah.
*scrunches down tin-foil hat*
Mind you, saying that it is all complete bollox though, innit? Over a billion smartphones with mega-pixel cameras out there across the globe, best anyone can do is a blurred, shaky shot of a string of chinese lanterns half the time.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
its amazing to think that these ultra intelligent beings travel space with all is pit falls at more than the speed of light
only to abduct what seems to be the very thickest or weirdest misfits our planet has available :huh:

Best answer and observation award goes to ........ :thumbup:
That doesn't actually explain why they troll the trailer parks in the South of the USA when they could simply beam up the residents of the Big Brother house smile
Quote by neilinleeds
Hahaaaaa, but you fail to understand the cunning of yer alien mind Rob. When you're submitting your subject to the old anal probing you don't really care what they've got in the cranial department, do you? You only care that when they're dropped off half-naked and hemorrhaging from a prolapsed rectum outside an all-night service station they are dismissed as complete bleedin' fruitloops when they start banging on about UFOs and shit. Devious buggers yer reptilian shapeshifters so they are, oh yeah.
*scrunches down tin-foil hat*
Mind you, saying that it is all complete bollox though, innit? Over a billion smartphones with mega-pixel cameras out there across the globe, best anyone can do is a blurred, shaky shot of a string of chinese lanterns half the time.

i have to admit to watching c4's program on alien abducted people last night.
it sort of started with a snigger which transpired into full rolling on the floor with my side hurting and trying not to wet myself watching it. i'm still laughing now at the woman who looked like she combed her hair with a firework, saying they tormented her by moving her fags and stuff
funniest thing i've seen in a long time
its strange that all these people are single don't ya think lol
I think it should be LAW that all these people are single, god help us if they ever reproduce lol
I found some undisputable factual information that proves alien abuduction is myth but can't show it as I have been abducted by aliens.
P.S. any couples on Saturn fancy a meet thursday
I think that it is small minded of us to believe that in the infinite expanse of space there isn't some other form of life. However, little green men abducting and probing people for the last seventy years is a stretch of the imagination.
If there is a technologically advanced civilisation out there that have come from beyond the edge of known space then why have they not made themselves known. Their technology would have to be far superior to ours and therefore they would more than likely be able to defeat our planet if it came to a fight. if however they are peaceful, then why have they not made peaceful contact. it doesn't make sense that they would spend 70 years hiding in shadows and abducting people.
Even ET made contact within 24 hours!
Welcome home lol
And yes, I do believe that there is life on other planets, somewhere in the vastness of space the conditions that exist on earth in some form must exist, ie the basics that make life grow whatever they are, I mean I know water is important and some form of breathable gas or liquid, a food source and so on.
I do think that depending on the make up of those ingredients life may be very different, to that which we know and it could be very similar it could be older and wiser and it could be younger and still in the early stages of evolution.
It is highly possible that we have been visited, but that they regularly abduct the same people or have been carrying out the same tests for 70 years possibly thousands, well if they are clever enough to get here they are clever enough to have got the information they want a long time ago.
Contacting us, why come here if they are not going to either take the resources they need or make contact, we know that as a fairly intelligent species we would want to make peacefull contact with any life form that wanted to make peacefull contact with us.
Of course the military and scientific communties could mess that up but for the most part we would like to meet new friends (especially cute ones that swing)
There again if the myth of Area 51 (54? 292 whatever it is) is true it appears that we have abducted aliens and experimented on them.
There is so much on earth that we cannot explain but exists, anyone who has experienced the Electric Brae near Ayr in Scotland can attest to that.
The various pyramids in our oceans, the Crystal Skulls and so on.
Do I believe in alien existance, yes, do I believe there are whole colonies of them in our oceans, maybe, do I believe they keep coming here abducting people, nah.