My honest answer to that kaz would be, I don't know, and I would have to stand by my original comment, that if he is found to be guilty of some involvement then he deserves all he gets. I am not keen on the modern trial by Media frenzy.
The prime minister's communications chief Andy Coulson has today resigned, blaming coverage of the News of the World phone hacking scandal
Mr Coulson denied any knowledge of phone hacking but resigned saying, as editor, he took "ultimate responsibility".
Labour MPs accused Mr Coulson of deliberately announcing his resignation on a busy news day - when former Labour PM Tony Blair is before the Iraq Inquiry, and in the aftermath of Alan Johnson's shock resignation as shadow chancellor.
G the practice of releasing bad news on a busy news day is both common and longstanding quoting one example doesn't excuse another, every party/government does point are you trying to make?That our M.P.'s and governments have no shame?..I think we all knew 'New Labour' is run by an awful bunch of cynics ? I think most of us have figured that out,it is I think you'll find one of the things they have in common with the that you can show us some smoke and glittery things and we'll forget what the subject was and wander off.
The fact that Coulson was appointed in the first place shows an appalling lack of judgement by Cameron, that he has had to leave so early in his tenure (not I would add the first example) only confirms this.
Coulsons appointment shows one thing....that Cameron and his government are prepared to risk any kind of ridicule and questions to keep certain sections of our media Coulsons appointment was an appointment of outstanding idiocy is/was apparent to anybody,what Cameron received in return is something perhaps we'll never know.
So far, as I am aware, Coulson has not been proved guilty of anything. He has had a trial by media, live by the sword die by it. But as regards his job, in my view he is still Innocent until prov-en guilty.
I with Blue on this Staggs.
Everyone talked to says that Andy Coulson was brilliant in his job, very popular and an inspiration. I haven't seen a negative comment about him other than of course the issues concerning the phone tapping which, as Blue has said, is completely unproven. Even Alastair Campbell, when interviewed today on SkyNews, was complimentary about him - less so about Cameron of course who he blames for just about everything (including no doubt, the fall of Bliar from grace and Joan of Arc burning at the stake!).
Campbell himself of course is no stranger to the pressures of this job. He left when it all got too pressured. Coulson has a young family and the constant media attention must surely take it's toll eventually. Life's too short and a young family needs it's father figure. He'll not be much good in a box.
The weight of evidence will never be tested....I really have no interest in Coulson any further than what his employment says about Camerons would appear that both Blue and G would like me to have a different I say I'm really not interested in Coulson per se, I don't care about how good he was at his job,or wether there is any comparison to Alistair Campbell or not (nice try G)
I don't care if he's guilty or innocent.....BUT if your bank employed a suspected fraudster as your personal banker,what would you do?....would you question their judgement or wait for the trial??? would you say O.K. fine but he's good at his job and at least he's not Nick Leeson ?? or would you move your account elsewhere?