Of course if one is a union member one doesn't have any obligation to withdraw ones labour other than a moral imperative regardless of the result of the vote eh?
I am annoyed by the spin doctoring and propaganda being employed to sway public sentiment against these people who after all are only doing what a lot of us would do when faced with a change to our employment reward terms.
They aint askin for more money they are asking NOT to suffer what is essentially a pay cut.
Has anybody bothered to find out if the BBC figures were accurate?
lol blue
I ask because it looks to me like the BBC use a percentage of membership. Now I am not an expert on these things but I imagine that many of the UNISON members were not balloted simply because the issue does not affect them. I may be wrong, I often am.
On Radio 5 Live tonight, the presenters were qualifying the BBC poll by saying that it was taken 10 days ago and later polls are showing a lower level of support for the strike.
This is the link to the Yougov poll I mentioned earlier.
If anyone's interested in seeing where some of our money is going...tune into the programme on BBC 1 now...all about PFI.....truly frightening!
Oh you've got to love the P.F.I.
A banker, a nurse, a Tory MP and a Daily Mail reader are sat around a table having a cup of tea. In front of them is a plate, on which there are ten biscuits. The banker scoffs nine of the biscuits, then the Tory turns to the Daily Mail reader and whispers in his ear, "Watch out - that nurse is after your biscuit".
Pension switch ruled lawful by High Court