Anyone else heard this ad on the radio recently?
I wonder if it will be manned by all the school leavers who so effectively manned the swine flu hotline now that Swine Flu has disappeared - what else can they do?
I imagine that there could be some mischievous phone calls to that Hotline because it is just so politically correct and blatantly does not state the obvious.
"Uhm yes - is that the anti terrorist hotline? I would like to report my neighbour for suspicious behaviour - yes - they often invite groups of strangers into their house and we think they are up to something dodgy. Their names are John and Mavis Smith."
Thank Mrs White. can you tell us what cars they use and do they use code names.
I wish I had some windows at which to place curtains...
You need walls for windows. Bah eck, we used to look at next door's walls and just wish - - - -
Now we will have to leave the tent flap open just so we do not get a visit from the hot line police.
...and the wind can get really chilly this time of year.
How is it politically correct?
Why is everything a bad idea?
There is such a negative attitude to every little thing
Here is a good example of how raising the awareness of a neighbourhood might have prevented this...
Luckily that day, he messed up the detonation process, meaning he was the only one injured
MILK!!!!! I used to dream of milk....all we got was a bit of ground limestone in old pond water
I haven't had milk delivered for years. It's A) too expensive and B) sits in a south facing porch from 9 until 4 turning to cheese. So there is no point.
I find all this really to be a big hypocritical.
Let me get this right....the Government department are asking us to be more vigilant, and to report anything suspicious?
Is this the SAME Government that not that long ago allowed Hooky Hamza to spout his hatred and anti western rubbish outside Frindsbury Mosque?
Is this the SAME GOVERNMENT that allowed the police to stand by whilst death threats were made against us, and Hooky Hamza and his cronies just spouted hatred every Friday?
MAYBE if they would have done something then maybe just maybe, things may have been a bit different?
What has happened in the time from then and now, for them all of a sudden want a terrorist hotline?
Nothing like acting after that horse has bolted.
If they did not or could not act against this vile person, what chance have they got of doing anything if anyone rings the hotline?
Yes I am aware of the facts.
As far as I am aware Griffin was filmed at a private meeting, whereas Hooky was spouting it openly on British streets...a bit of a
I cannot remember what Griffin said on that occasion, and obviously was serious enough to be taken to trial. He WAS acquitted by the way, whereas Hooky is as you say, currently in Belmarsh awaiting extradition to the USA on further terrorist charges.
Can hardly compare the two cases.
One innocent...the other guilty.
Now, if I thought for a moment that the government were a bunch of crooks I would guess it was nearly 31st March, when all the departments in the civil service have to spend all of last years budget! I would also guess they have targets to meet, say on how much public information needs to be delivered..........
And in order to keep us from forgetting the big bad world wants us all dead, and our only saviour is to willingly surrender, day after day, another of our hard won freedoms to a Government getting fat on our taxes; they need to put out this rubbish!!
Baaaaaa baaaaaaa I'm a sheep....
mmmmm, terrorist hotline ? i wonder if the lines are open to international callers ?
the peoples of palestine living under the terror of when the next israeli phospherous attack will occur or the lebanese wondering who the next assasin will have a hookey irish passport ?
or iraqi, driven back to the dark age by destroyed infrastructure and the effects of depleted uranium on them and their children ?
perhaps the afghani's feel terrorised by the advancing armies clearing the way for the 1500 mile pipeline from ukraine to the gulf ?
then there are the pakistani's now being terrorised by drone attack's and supposed suicide bombings ? funny ? they are in the way of the pipeline.
then there are the iranians, terrorised by israeli plans, not threats, actual plans to attack iran and threats from america over their nuclear program. the israeli's have nuclear weapons to irans west, india and pakistan to the east, russia to the north. if i was iran, i'd hurry up to even up the balance.
now aint it strange that this strategy of annexation and control of eurasia, that contains most of the worlds known oil and gas was outlined in zibignew brezinki's book "the grand chessboard" published in 1997 ?
further, the books author acknowledges that with the diversity of cultures and religeons within the united states and europe, who's attitude to such a foreign policy would be hostile, it would be necessary to divert attention and create fear by an event on the scale of quote "pearl harbour" 9/11 ?
al qaeder is the creation of the cia and western intel agencies, osama bin laden if he is still alive has the secret of eternal youth and a better cloaking device than the klingons from star trek.
as this geostrategy developes, cutting off energy to developing nations, it will lead to military confrontation between america and its allies in the west, and russia, china and india, also acknowleged in the book.
the terrorist hotline and media coverage supports an atmospere of fear and division reinforcing the myth that an integrated international terror organisation beyond the reach of western intel exists and creates an enviroment whereby people go along with snitching to the state on their fellow neighbours. next, you will be expected to have cctv in the home.
the internet will be taken over by the state or its proxies because of its use by 's and bin liner's in order to prevent the populus from interacting with reasoned critical thinking.
i'm sure this will provoke a lot of criticism but here goes...
Talking of fear and control.
And I think the whole terrorist hotline is ridiculous.
i was hoping for a critique from kenty or awayman ?
where is me ceo employer kenty ?
I don't think there is a climate of fear controlling the population, its apathy and pleasure that controls us. We have everything we want at the push of a button, who cares what is going on in the world when I can order a pizza and worry about who john terry is fucking?