I know another snip from a daily rag but....it seems these figures are quite accurate, and I for one think that violence and violent people are more rife now than ever.
I did not need figures to know that up and down the country on a Friday and Saturday evening, ferel drunken yobs, rule the streets.
I would think most people think it is much more violent out there now than ever. Is it the drink or are there more underlying problems than just drink?
The police do a difficult enough job, but the weekends must be a constant barrage of pub fights and drink related crime.
Are these figures near to the truth, or is crime no worse than say 30 years ago?
Is violence up, has the official descriptions of violence massaged the figures (for instance the charge of aggravated burglary) or is there more media, which is now more accessible?
A quote from the article sums it up for me.
"The figures, compiled by the Tories, are considered the most accurate and up-to-date available."
.......who considers them such I wonder.
Tell you what. If I catch another cat shitting on my lawn there will be a sudden increase in violence in its immediate vicinity!!!!!!!!
Then why not let your wife out if it is safe as you make out it is??
Because you know it is not.
I'm sorry to digress here. But am I the only woman on here offended by the thought that a someone gets to dictate where a I go cos A) they are male and B) they share my life?
I realise I am not the wife in question. But really! Is there an assumption here that a wife is suddenly incapable of making decisions about where to go wothout their husband's input?
If anyone I was related to said "I don't want you going down there" I would give them the sharp edge of my tongue. It doesn't sound like caring it sounds like control.
It's in the same bracket as "no wife of mine will - - - - - - ".
I think you have completly missunderstood the comment Foxy...I hope.
If I thought it was unsafe for Mrs777 to go somewhere, I would express concerns.
That is NOT control, it is called concern for someone you care about.
Why take something obviously so innocent, into some feminist thing?
Sorry but that is how that came across.
i watched a programe on the nhs uncovered ,or somthing like that,and it focused on alcohol fulled incidents.
ive also watched police programmes shwoing the levels of violence on teh streets at night from drunken yobs ( male and female)
ive also witnessed the drunken yobs.
yes ok maybe some people feel more confident walking out at club kick out time.
i am a confident person, but im not bloody stupid.
there are loads more fucking idiots who after a few drinks dont give a dam what they do, they are more agressive. they gob off at anyone who even look sat them wrong. they kick cars on passing and this is the adults.
then you get the 12-18 year olds who are pissed up and out to show off.
a few years ago i would be aware of my personal safety regarding attacks from men towards women,but now there is a higher risk of being caught up in violence when out and its random and not just men who are the violent ones.
i live in cornwall, but i have lived in citys. the violence isnt discrimatory to large rough towns, its happening even in small places.
to say there is none would be blind or maybe your the drunk who people are wary of?
xx fem xx
It was this that was the problem.
"I wouldn't expect my wife or any woman to walk alone anywhere late at night."
The equivalent of "I wouldn't expect my wife to - - -" is "I expect my wife NOT to - - -".
So what is she supposed to do if she wants to go somewhere? Get a man to chaperone her?
It may be a good idea for her to be familiar with self-defence and be 'street-wise' but seriously? It comes across as if you think women are not safe unless they are escorted by men. The assumptions of female weakness and male strength are staggering.
There was a call in the '80s to take back the streets - rallies and placards and everything - I didn't join in. I had never given up the streets. And that includes 3 years in Coventry living in the shadow of the old football ground.
No-one, NO-ONE, husband, yoof, gangsta or otherwise tells me which streets I can use and when.