Quote by starlightcouple
True and the pictures of those sleeping under the M4..............well, according to Too Hot they will all be running successful Companies by now, employing us lazy Brits !!
We all know that TH cannot possibly believe all the nonsense he posts. Even he will not answer my question as to how we can sustain 80 million people in the UK. He twitters on about investments and all these people paying their taxes, when it simply is not true as there are not the jobs available.
Luckily he can divert people's attention all the time when answering a complex question by blaming UKIP for this or that. As I have stated in another thread to TH about not believing all you read and see on the internet, and what TH tells us we have to take some of it with a pinch of salt.
The simple maths just do not add up. X amount of jobs and x amount of people looking for work are not the same. Most of the Romanian population are here anyways as pickpockets working in London. I did read a couple of weeks ago that almost every pickpocket arrested was an illegal Romaninan. Cannot think for a second how they get into the UK with the very strict border controls we have at our ports and airports. :rotflmao::rotflmao:
Let's just make some things clear about what I believe:
1) I am in the position that I am in life (good or bad) because of the decisions and life choices that I have made.
2) I do not blame this or any past Government for the various downfalls that I have had to endure in my working life. I hold myself responsible for everything.
3) I believe that (with medically afflicted exceptions) we get the life that we deserve because of the choices that we make
4) I believe that in order to resolve the countries problems we need more people working and need to pay out less in State expenditure (of all kinds. This means reducing taxes, reducing red tape and cutting spending.
5) As a 4th generation immigrant, married to a first generation immigrant and with lots of friends of both native and immigrant I firmly believe that it is immigration over the centuries that made Britain great.
6) I do not believe Newspaper Headlines that claim every welfare recipient is a scrounger in the same way that I don't believe headlines that every immigrant is a scrounger. Assumptions based on extremes rarely reflect reality.
7) I have seen the vast majority of the 4,000,000 recent migrants get absorbed into the UK workplace whilst unemployment has stayed the same. Simple maths equates this to being worth around £20 billion to the economy. I do not believe in uncontrolled immigration and accept that just like Brits have to in Spain, anyone coming to the UK has to be able to support themselves.
8) I think that the UK native population has generally become complacent and has an expectation level far greater than its actual worth.
9) It is my experience that a higher percentage of migrants are more motivated to work hard, create wealth, employment and jobs than a given number of native Brits. It is also my experience backed up by the recent UCL survey that migrants are far more likely to making a positive net contribution to society than make a negative contribution.
10) It is my opinion that there are criminals, extremists, shysters and knobheads in every country and of every nationality. A search of this resource would illustrate the percentage of convictions for people who do not have English names.
And let's not forget Star... Not everyone is like you. It is a simple fact that jobs get created when governments make job creation attractive. It is just stupid to think that jobs will not be created as the population increases. State funded jobs might not invcrease, but the private sector can flourish and fortunately migrants are much more motivated than people like you to create employment. Will there be exceptions? Of course there will but as has happened throughout history, migrants have had a positive effect on Britain.