Quote by Lizaleanrob
so how do we stop companies just registering for business tax breaks
and actually getting them to trade here also
then you will have the competition from other nations for this business. so what sort if incentives to do you give to keep them here
would it not be best to invest in manufacturing and secure our future as opposed to bowing to the corporates and hope no one steals this business
We are going to struggle in an international market to produce consumer goods. There is an ever increasing demand for better products at a cheaper price and as a consequence component production will almost invariably be located in Asia in the not too distant future. We may be able to produce high value quality goods but this is never going to return us to the levels of 100% employment when Britain was an industrial nation.
I reckon that we are part of the worldwide economic correction and unless we are all prepared to work harder and longer for less money then mainstream "manufacturing" jobs will slowly but surely leave these shores for ever. This is why we have to review what Britain is going to be about in the future and what can make Britain work. We can't have a 100% State funded employment (Public Sector) so we have to do something to get Companies to want to HQ here, even if they can't afford or don't want to have an industrial presence.
The only way to do this is to make the UK's tax regime attractive for worldwide brands - but with conditions attached (employment, banking etc)